It is well known that people suicide by eating an incredibly painful but odorless and tasteless poison while on the euphoria high from completing a long distance run.Seriously, what they put him through.You might like this: https://www.goodreads.com/b...The UK destroyed its entire computing industry in pursuit of having cis men running it. They choose to destroy it rather than let others in:https://mitpress.mit.edu/bo...

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You mean Brian who is Mr Tech Edgelord who has never used unix of any flavor? The one whose entire career has depended on being a good ol'boy and keeping the qualified others from competing? That one? Or a different one?

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At least we spread the love.

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No, I get along okay with him we've both been to Russia. No, there were two unbearable misogynistic bros, of the Bernie variety, during the 2016 run-up. One of which has finally settled down (that I wondered if he was a paid troll), because he remarked he had been (his screen name) for ten years, which I thought was a bizarre, thing to say. The other you have swatted a time or two. He's an anarchist/purity pony, and never fails to show up when Hillary's name is mentioned in a headline he just has to show his ass one more time Shivaskeeper uses him as a chew toy with facts regularly.

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Shivaskeeper is generally awesome.

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Isn't he though? His no bullshit tolerance, explanations to dummies, makes me admire him more. One of the persons I was referring to, (the lesser of the evils) got a good dressing down by Daniel today, it was pretty awesome, he's been calling the one out for his foolishness quite a bit lately. The other has a cartoon furry cat-girl icon and is always talking about things he has no clue about, advocating anarchy and shit like that. If I can find Daniels comment, I will repost it if you missed it.

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Martin Shkreli.

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Oh for fuck's sake. no. The DCCC funnels money to a wide variety of candidates. Either spend more time getting involved in the process in a campaign year, or admit that what you're really interested in is whining about how hopeless the Dems are.

We didn't elect Biden and win the majority in the Senate with that mentality, or by bitching and moaning about the DNCC.

Christ jesus.

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US senators are excluded, one supposes, or at least three of them might manage it.

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As my sponsor used to say, hit rock bottom and go crashing right on through.

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First of all. I had an experience years go where they kept putting me on e-mail lists for various candidates that I did not want to be on. And I kept unsubcribing and they - the DCCC - kept sending more. I got to the point that I had to actually CALL them up on the phone and threaten them with reporting them to the Federal Election Commission to get them to stop. THAT finally worked.Having said that. I AM on some listes - even out of state ones - but they are tones that I WANT to be on.

But regarding their real preference for moderates ans less, there is one very well-known caseThe DCCC, along with Nancy Pelosi's tacit approval, poured shtiloads of time and money into the campaign in the NY-14 primary against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2019 and for the longtime moderate that pretty much 'owned' the seat'. Now this has nothing to do with whether you like her or not. It has to do with the lack of truth in who they support.

Having said that, I will note that I am NOT a Democrat, nor have I ever been a member on ANY political party, although I almost always vote for the Dems as they are the lesser or two evils - the evil in this case being a de facto only two-party system in this country that has helped destroy it more and more in recent years.Are the Repulicans worse? Of course, they are way worse. But when you have a party that gives you people like Manchin and Synema, how can you truly call it liberal?Ih fact most obsevers in other democatric countries know that the Democratic Party in the US are a centre-right party at best, with the Republicans being extreme far right.

And no, I do not always whine about how useless the Dems are - there are people here who clearly do that continually. And I am NOT some raging socialist by any means. But I DO have the advantage on not being in any party, so you cannot lay these things at my doorstep. If the Dems do something bad, it's not my fault. I do vote in every election, and have since 1973, when I turned 18. And I did work with people opposing Nixon in 1972 even when I could note vote myself.

More that anything, I am not a stereotype and cannot be pegged down.

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And she’s hella smart… rocks a pantsuit… and OH! NOT BATSHIT CRAAYYYZAYY!

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The GOP has a magic barrel! You dig and scrape and scrape and dig, and STILL there’s no bottom!

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Don’t forget the drooling - there’s definitely drooling.

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Hell, as a non-lawyer I’d volunteer to make them coffee or provide free backrubs or whatever it took to enable that suit.

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She could get an army of the hottest young lawyers in the country by dangling “Free publicity on what will likely be the most televised bloodbath of the year. Oh and you get to eat whatever you kill. Who’s in?” She may be crushed by the stampede.

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