All the faux news imbeciles spewing whatever comes out of their backside

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Why is it every time I see the name of a very trivial Rethuglican primary candidate I read it as "Vivek Ramalamadingdong"? Cuz it's a more accurate and very appropriate description of him?

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I've tried, but I can't tolerate the mouth noises the non-Tarlovs make constantly. They do that thing where they yell over anyone with a different pov.

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The less bullying I permit in my life, the better it goes.

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These people make me with 'The Rapture' was real and that they were right about it so I could look forward to the day they all vanished at once, leaving the rest of us with a much, much better world.

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I've offered to take care of rapturists' pets once they Rapture - for a price. Funny thing is, none of them take me up on it.

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That was a whole thing years ago. Google "earth bound pets".

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I would literally get into fist fights with them everyday.

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This is evil and I like it:

"SBF should not be allowed to use an ordinary prison commissary, instead, they should put a bunch of the prison commissary items in a claw machine that someone reprograms every day with a different form of rigging.

Just like SBF did with his Alameda bots."


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What's also great is that Tarlov knows how to Gish gallop for good. It's hard to interrupt the point you're making if you're doing a steady stream of talk with no opportune gaps. Usually the Gish gallop is used by sh*theel liars that spew a ton of false information and give no opportunity for anyone to refute those lies point by point. Tarlov does the gallop, but her facts are ACTUALLY TRUE. Which is quite the talent!

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I remember when that utterly odious shit-for-brains Duane Gish decided that methodology was an acceptable debate tactic, in lieu of, you know, actual workable arguments.

Rhetoric should not be a lost art. If we taught logic and rhetoric and made it matter - give kids the ability to argue about stuff they'd normally just fight about - we'd have a lot less Gishes and a lot more Neil DGTs.

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WELP, SHE'LL BE FIRED pretty soon. Can't have a voice of reason on a Murdoch network.

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I'm thinking she's there, so that FIX can cover their asses so Rupert's kids don't have to wear barrels when they're out in public...

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Yeah, but then maybe she can get a job on a real news platform

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Where she'll be told to "tone down" lest they be accused of having a "liberal bias".

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Tarlov reminds me of the "Ghost Voice" on WW2-era Italian domestic radio, who would burst out of nowhere to challenge the official announcer, with questions like "I dare you to tell me what is happening in Northern Italy."

The announcer would respond, "It is raining, which is good for the crops." Chuckle, chuckle.

At first, Italian audiences tuned in to hear the "Ghost Voice" challenge the official line.

Then they realize that every time the "Ghost Voice" turned up, he lost the argument. Italians resumed listening to the BBC Italian service.

Mussolini had the "Ghost Voice" dropped. He fell from power anyway.

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Incidental to this, but he was mentioned in the article so I’ll take a swipe at him -- the more Vivek Ramaswamy opens his stupid fucking mouth, the more I hate him. What an absolute know-nothing shitheel. I mean, he fits right in the rest of the landfill of a party, but FUCK that guy is just an asshole.

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So, he's perfect for the MAGA crowd, if they should need a replacement? Except for the furrin' name, of course...

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I called him "ramadamadingdong" earlier. It got taken down.

Who is this guy, anyway?

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A fascist nitwit who thinks that the GQP considers him one of 'the good ones.'

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Running for VP.

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I will hand Donald Trump a crisp tenner out of my pocket if he can pronounce Vivek Rawaswamy’s name

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South Asian techbros are the only humans remotely approaching the shittiness of white techbros

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Jessica Tarlov is my new girl crush. Thanks for introducing me to her.

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Adjusting mah attitude with a tall Henhouse "Independent AF" IPA.

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How long before she gets fired?

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Nah, she's the network's plausible deniability the next time they get sued.

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This "beats her cohosts about the faces with their own dicks while noting how actually the economy is pretty great" is when I figured this was definitely written by Evan.

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Genuinely surprised Fux hasn’t fired her ass yet. Possibly despite the Gutless’ demands.

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My modest proposal: fit the four assholes with electrified collars, give Ms. Tarlov the control. Every time they try to talk over her, or lie, or try to change the issue, ZZZAP! The faces Piro and Gutfeld would make would be uproarious.

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