So, so much!

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I have price points for most things - and it's really cheap where I live.

If it's on sale I buy it - if it's not - quite often I don't. Honey Crisps were $.88 a pound last week - I bought a bunch. This week they are still on sale for $1.27 - I bought a few more. If they were regular priced $2.27 I would have just looked longingly! :)

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My parents complained about Eisenhower's golfing. I cannot begin to imagine what they would say now.

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on purpose.

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She's busy be besting.

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Same thing with voting. Voter fraud is, to a first approximation, non-existant in the US. Election fraud, on the other hand...

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AKA "Starve the Beast". Where "the Beast" is, you know, civilized society.

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TN is also the only state that asked for a waiver from the Feds to turn their Medicaid dollars into a block grant. https://www.washingtonpost....

It's a hideous experiment and will end in failure, which I suppose is the point.

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Unless he's extremely lucky (/me knocks on wood), he's not going to see the eradication of the Guinea Worm. đŸ˜¢

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I hope many things of him doth fade.

(I tried!)

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Hey! If those kids didn't want to go hungry, they should have been born descendants of a brothel keeper in Canada, escaping military service in his home country.

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I am a seriously flawed person, but even my messed-up self cannot comprehend being this cruel, in general, and to children, in particular.


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Everyone has to vote and vote for all democrats in 2020. Even if your perfect candidate does not win the nomination. Yes, even that.

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Let's add in the cost to taxpayers of his biweekly hate fests all over the country. The rules on repayment of partisan activity by a president has always strongly favored the president. The additional cost for Secret Service assessing the facility prior to the rally, the transportation of the vehicles, the staff that will attend, and many other costs associated with the trip not being included, basically just a small part of the transportation cost for the president himself, about what a government employee would be reimbursed on travel, including airfare. If he mixes partisan and official business, the GAO usually allows the president to determine what portion of the billing is to be paid by the campaign and what part is payed by taxpayers.

Generally, local expenses are between the campaign and the candidate, and in this case, we know Trump is not paying many of the bills to cities, counties, and states. I'm not aware of any other president scheduling as many rallies as Trump, or starting as early as Trump, so he is setting a new standard on that too. Plus, my bet is that his campaign has yet to send any money to the Treasury. So taxpayers are likely on the hook for tens of millions of dollars so Trump can fly around the country on Air Force One and spread hate and lies.

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And there's our proof: the GOP doesn't just hate brown kids, it hates ALL kids.

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Makes one posit that, just maybe, they're not the same species as the rest of us, or at least choose to think they're not.

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