hey!! Bats are great! We just put up a great bat house! You gotta think of a better name, how's about Bannon shit?

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"How in the hell does any Republican think they’re gonna get there?”

Trump's campaign seems laser focused (or as laser focused as they can be) on the EC count. He's all about the 'swing states'. I hope Dems are too

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I’ll pat myself on the back for calling this months ago.

Clear to me from the get-go RFK is a lunatic who would attract lunatic voters. So, um, yeah, definitely eating into Trump’s support more than Biden’s.

Maybe RFK should go full Republican…

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After the 2016 (and 1948, and 1936) performance by the pollsters, I don't care or really trust them.

Particularly when we don't even vote for President for another year.

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It's not like anything's going to change in thirteen months!

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Hey, if someone said to me on September 10, 2001, "Tomorrow, 19 terrorists armed with box cutters will hijack four airliners, smash two into the World Trade Center, a third into the Pentagon, and only a passenger revolt will prevent the fourth from slamming into the US Capitol, killing 3,000 people and starting a 20-year unwinnable 'war on terror,'" I would have said, "Yeah, we're overdue. Particularly after that 1993 horror show at the World Trade Center."

If that same person said to me, "By the way, with the Yankees leading 2-1 in the bottom of the ninth inning of Game Seven of this year's World Series, Mariano Rivera will hit a batter and fire a sure easy double-play ball into center field to lose the game and the Series," I would have said, "No freaking way."

Both happened.

Right now, I also worry that Putin, frustrated by his inability to march into Kyiv after more than a year, will simply erase Ukraine with nuclear weapons, or the Iranians will reveal that they succeeded in developing theirs, and fire them at Israel.

Anything can happen.

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There's a guy at work who was all in for the former guy--I didn't engage, even though I wanted to. He's really nice so it's strange.

He's also really gay, so also odd.

Anyway, the day after RFK Jr announced as an independent, this guy put up a bunch of RFK Jr stuff at his work station, so now I can say, YAY, VOTE!

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Correction: Cooking on electric induction stove porn TikTok videos

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The fact I could be watching cooking porn clips on TikTok would almost make me get an account…almost.

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PAB is already practicing his impersonation of RFK Jr. in the mirror to use at rallies.

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Proof somewhat positive that the GOP are in total disarray if they indeed did encourage this guy to run actually thinking that he would siphon votes from Biden. Presenting the “lesser of two evils” still presents evil. Read the room dummies!!

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nah, we want them to keep screwing up

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I was told there would be no colors, shapes, and numbers.

To be honest, I have been too busy laughing and pointing and (let's be honest kink-shaming) Gym Jordan to pay much attention to Juniorwhooziz.

So let this be my first and only official laughing and pointing non-comment on this entitled douchenozzle.

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My grandmother loved the Kennedys and would have been dismayed by this shit. Glad she didn't live to see it.

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and in a month or so from now RFK Jr will drop out of the race entirely and he'll blame the Democrats somehow

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Deep state conspiracy?

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Independents must be very principled people. It must matter more to them that they voted for the slightly less insane candidate than for Trump, I guess? Because if both Biden and Trump are healthy enough to run, and Trump is allowed time away from solitary confinement, the choice is between a sane man who has governed rationally with a steady hand, or utter chaos and spiteful vindictiveness. If America were sane, Biden would beat Trump by 50 percent. Or, Trump would be ineligible to run, because coup. But I’m sure there are people who simply want to say, “I voted for a terrible candidate, but not for either D or R.” It makes them feel so wild and rogue.

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Voting third-party in this day and age comes from exactly the same motivation that leads to all conspiracy theorizing: I am smarter than everyone.

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Cooking porn? Did I miss out on another trend?

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I'm thinking of roasting a nice BARON of BARRON this weekend. Any tips would be helpful!

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Spicy Stormy Daniels Stew

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"(We’re saying that MAGA Republicans’ chess moves right now are so goddamned stupid you’d almost think they were secretly working for the Biden campaign.)"

They aren't working for OHJB, they're just stupid. They believe the American electorate hasn't smartened up since their chaos shit got TFG elected in 2016. That play hasn't worked since: the stupid is trying the same plays over and over and still losing.

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especially with the clowns in the house showing their assess to the whole country right now

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RFKjr. is nuttier than a loaf of banana walnut bread. The right wing Wurlitzer tried to inject him into the race to disrupt the Democrats. It never came close to working. The Democrats ignored him and he spent all his time on RW media outlets spouting anti vax gibberish and various RW talking points. Hardly surprising his support comes from the RW followers of that media. He's in it for the grift now. What else does he have going?

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