I know, right? I am an outstanding test-taker. It's been awhile since I took the SATs, but my scores got me into USC nearly 30 years ago, so I might still be able to!

*Note, I did not ultimately go to USC. But they were willing to take me.

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Because those are folderol that accumulated due to merit.

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Because Asian? Is that where we're going with this? The Ramen kids did their homework and brought home A's and practiced their Suzuki because they knew that if they didn't their mothers and fathers would ask them if they wanted to end up like those lazy Callender kids?

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I'm warming up to the "piñata" model of economics: keep beating the rich until all their money falls out. (Literally or figuratively, up to you.)

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They'll like her ''hot pocket'' in prison, IYKWIMAITTYD.


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I raised them to question authority from a very young age, not realizing that for decades I would be the authority.

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Late to the party, but I was mathing. If she is paying someone $100K to take a test at, hmm, lemmesee, including commute, four hours?, so conservative estimate $25K an hour, and she got five months in prison, can we assume that she's willing to pay that much per day for someone to serve her sentence for her? Say, four million? I would consider taking that gig, but I'd still want full pay if my sentence, being a rich person, was commuted to, let's say eleven days for being rich good behavior.

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How much would I pay to have someone wonder why I was carrying around a slice of pizza in my hand? Lemme go check the couch cushions . . .

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Yes. Lets end legacy applications.

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Also, to be clear, I would expect to be housed in one of the better prisons.

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I'd use it on everything except the housemate really does not care for cheese :P

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The message to these kids: Ivy or bust. Pathetic.

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Yup... and that the kids' "accomplishments" (real or fake) are just another bullet point on Mommy and Daddy's resume.

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I'm still guessing that your answers, when they questioned your authority, had jack to do with winning their approval.

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Guilty as charged.

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The price of that ugly pizza slice bag could pay my rent for slightly more than half a year.

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