looks like they took it down. It was wonderful and clever :(

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It's still showing up in a google search on the title, but the link doesn't go anywhere anymore https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Please ignore me I am not myself.

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Steve Cohen's your Representative, Evan.? I'm so jealous. I have the First Woman to Fly Combat Missions in Iraq®, the Sweetheart of the Koch Brothers, Martha McSally. She has people say in her commercials, "Once she decides something needs to git done, she gits it done!" Something being mostly related to guns, ammo, and the Air Force base in our town (a.k.a. jerbs that Congress wouldn't authorize if a Democrat asked for them).

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Mamas, don't let your Democrats appoint Republicans. They'll stab you in the back, and the front.

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Mine is Ted Lieu. Sux 2 b u!!

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Doesn't it just ...

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Well hrod@clintonemail kinda gives away that she used a private server.& Obama didn't have time to notice,but his stuff did.why didn't they do something?my problem is as president,Obama should take responsibility.& if he just said yes she did it,but as president I accept half responsibility,the whole thing would be a lot easier to deal with.Republicans are portraying Hillary as a rogue sos who sold the nation's secret to foreign countries.If Obama accepted some responsibility,this line of attack would've lost a lot steam

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Then why doesn't Obama & wh make this point?my issue with Obama is he is very silent on this matter,lied that he didn't anything about the private server, & doesn't take any responsibility,which,frankly as her boss he should.

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Meh, CNN. one small step above Faux Nudes.

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Wow Wonkette is sooooooooo in the bag for Hillary, can't even fake unbias huh?

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I guess I'd rephrase it as "the speakership of Mitch McConnel" but, yeah.

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Old J. Edgar would have had all those renegade agents doing field work in Oklahoma City.

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Wait, is there any evidence of Clinton's emails actually ending up on this Weiner asshole's computer? Because at this point all I've managed to find out about this is that the FBI is investigating an asshole who is married - BUT DOESN'T EVEN LIVE WITH OR TALK TO - Hillary's protege. How is that grounds for starting a scandal that may lead to America electing someone who has basically admitted to being a totalitarian racist asshole? And yes, I am a liberal - because there are considerably less idiots, sycophants, douchebags, and conspiracy theorists on the liberal side. There are some, but way less than the conservative side and almost all of them are extreme liberals.

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A liberal mommyblog that is With Her? Nooo!!!! Say it ain`t so! OMG! OMG! OMG! Stop the press! Breaking News!!!

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Just in time for the holidays...Explaining Clinton’s Email Scandal to Non-News Junkies

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