House Republican Debt-Ceiling Bill Revenge, A Dish Best Served Stupid
Who will save the gas stoves now?
Last week, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached an agreement to raise the debt ceiling, which spared America from financial ruin. The resulting deal passed in Congress with significant kicking and screaming from MAGA hardliners, who felt McCarthy had betrayed them.
Rep. Andy Biggs from Arizona whined, "My concern is more — what direction is he gonna go with … this coalition? Because he formed a coalition last week, which I think was an unholy alliance …”
Dear God, McCarthy might actually try governing, when there are Biden Crime Families to investigate and FBI directors to hold in contempt!
("The Unholy Alliance" is also the second episode of the 1980s Thundercats cartoon, which introduced the series villain Mumm-Ra. Yes, Biden is old, but he doesn't sleep in a sarcophagus.)
As the buzzards circle McCarthy's speakership, the MAGA sedition caucus are actively obstructing Republican leadership. Tuesday, 11 Republican McCarthy haters formed a holy alliance, I guess, with Democrats and blocked a pair of Republican bills to "protect" gas stoves from socialist tyranny. The bills would prevent any gas stove bans in the future, as well as stopping regulators from imposing energy conservation and health standards for new models. It's a little childish and stupid, but, then, so is the Republican Party.
America's Long National Debt Ceiling Nightmare Finally Over
House Freedom Idiots Gon' Frag Speaker Kevin McCarthy? Maaaybe!
Kevin McCarthy Agrees To Lift Debt Ceiling In Exchange For Biden Letting Him Paint White House Fence
Give Us Gas Stoves Or Give Us Death! Maybe Even Both
According to NBC News, "the procedural vote was rejected, 206 to 220, stunning longtime lawmakers and reporters who have not seen a rule vote — a procedural measure typically widely supported by the majority party — go down in more than two decades."
Such a well-oiled machine McCarthy is running there. They can't even get it together to pass their petty, liberal-owning show bills.
Members of the House Freedom Caucus, as well as Rep. Matt Gaetz (who apparently is not a member, so that's one good thing you can say about them), gathered outside the Capitol after the vote and admitted that the stunt was revenge forBilly Battsthe debt-ceiling bill. They warned that they'd derail all Republican legislation if this feud isn't resolved to their satisfaction. They ended Tuesday blocking four total Republican bills.
“Today we took down the rule because we’re frustrated at the way this place is operating. We took a stand in January to end the era of the imperial speakership,” Gaetz said, surrounded by people willing to let him speak for them. "We’re concerned that the fundamental commitments that allowed Kevin McCarthy to assume the speakership have been violated as a consequence of the debt limit deal. The answer for us is to reassert House conservatives as the appropriate coalition partner for our leadership, instead of them making common cause with Democrats.”
But ... these geniuses just made common cause with Democrats when they blocked the dumbass gas stove bill. Yes, the debt-ceiling bill passed with more Democratic votes than Republican, but it was hardly a liberal bill. The only "common cause" was avoiding a global economic catastrophe, but the MAGA goons are pissed that they held the nation for ransom and only got work requirements and some spending caps. Boo-hoo.
"The majority cannot function without unity," Rep. Dan Bishop told reporters. "And so to pull a pin on the grenade and roll it under the tent of Republican unity, as was done … last week in the debt ceiling package, is untenable for leadership.”
But Bishop, who loathes McCarthy, won't say definitively whether he plans to make a motion to vacate the speakership. McCarthy believes he'll keep his gavel no matter what: "I'm confident I'll beat anyone they have."
Meanwhile, when all this blew up in McCarthy's face, former real Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly laughed while walking off the House floor. Good times, Madame Speaker.
[ NBC News ]
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"And now, let the wild rumpus start!"
Replace McCarthy with Hakeem Jeffries. That would own us sooooo bad.