Thanks for the free entertainment, losers. I love watching echo chambers disappear all the way up their own asses in real time.

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You're pretty used to that in your normal circles, huh?

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This little bible beater is certain the establishment clause was designed to keep government out of religion, but not religion out of government. Despite the obvious fact it explicitly states that government shall make no laws recognizing religion, any 5 minute Google of the Founding Fathers’ take on the dangers of a State Religion should clear it right up. That tells you all you need to know about his “constitutional lawyer” chops. He’s a zealot.

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Jenna Ellis is a "constitutional" "lawyer," too. She also told us she was. What idiots. Baton Rouge is the limit of his world.

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Journalists should start each interview with Mike Johnson with “weren’t you also indicted for the failed coup plot to overthrow the new government? If not, do you know why?”

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He just announced he met with some pro-gun group about “protecting our 2A rights.”

Meanwhile, in Maine…at least 20 innocent people murdered today by a gunman working out some emotions. 20 lives ended. Families ripped apart. It’s time to revisit the 2A and amend it. People can have guns for hunting, collecting, home protection. With rigorous application and screening, and ban the assault weapons and similar guns made to kill people in battle. America feels unsafe.

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Americans' feeling unsafe is all the GOP has to offer its left-behinds.

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Great article, Evan. Less dick jokes than is my preference, but elevating a seditionist zealot to the 3rd highest office in the world is cause for a grave discussion. Context is everything. This is a Johnson quote: “We MUST fight for election integrity, the Constitution, and the preservation of our republic!” That would be fine for a Democrat to remark when discussing wingnut voter intimidation and suppression of minorities. But coming from the mouth of Johnson, on 1/6, directed toward MAGA extremists, it’s the kind of shit that idiot from InfoWars just went to prison for.

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Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, trust Republicans to be a let down even in their fuckups though, I was hoping for at least a few more weeks of that.

As for who they elected, doesn't surprise me one bit. They might as well all be Johnson as far as I'm concerned.

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The thing the fools* that keep sending fake ass "Christian conservatives" like Johnson to congress (and to their state houses) to do white supremacy for them don't get is that sure, they'll get to enjoy watching their out groups being treated horribly for awhile as the assholes they elected pass performative bills, banning Drag shows and anything that improves the voting experience for black folks, enforcing censorship, but while they do that circus they'll backfill any challenges to their power with extreme gerrymanders and explicitly political "Judges", laws that prevent any challenges to their rule. Dumb ass "one issue voters" whose one issue is "I'm a white Christian" will beam with pride as they see that they've imposed their religious prohibitions on complete strangers, all Taliban style, but they're too fucking stupid to see that once they've achieved their goal of turning the USA into their conservative poor kicking utopia it'll turn out to be a Russian style kleptocracy. That's what you get when you move past the consent of the governed, as the GOP is clearly doing out in the open. Once that's done just being white isn't going to offer any real protection from a mobbed up government. So congratulations republican voters, you have doomed your grands to live in an authoritarian shithole and there will be nothing they can do short of violent revolution that will free them from the fascist government you helped install over decades.

(*an early version of this screed used "crackers" in stead of fools)

Harsh? Maybe, but today didn't do anything to relieve people worried about the GOP's march to fascism in the form of their Trump personality cult.

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I mean, we all knew that anyone the Repukes nominated, let alone passed, would be a gross extremist nutbar, so.

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Emmer was the least of their 9 evils ... but he wasn't evil enough, so they went straight to the worst of the lot.

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Does "Johnson" hold more potential for dick puns than "Boehner"?

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I'm having a hard time coming up with anything. Feel like I'm having a stroke. All these flaccid Repubs are really killing the vibe.

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Both total dicks.

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Something something banality of evil.

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Quick question. Did they keep in place the one vote motion to vacate the speaker?

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I haven't seen a conclusive answer to that question.

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What is his name again? I already forgot it.

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You won't need it, after fourteen short months.

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Went to sleep today, and this is what I woke up to. Well, he may be a Liar For Jesus (no "may" about it), but at least he's honest enough to admit he believes human females are just breeding stock.

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And economic chattels.

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I meant to say vale of tears.

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I'm dyslexic and a horrible spellar so I knew what ya meant

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So the shit show is now a dumpster fire…well, I’m having to drive thru a rainstorm to get to work…maybe I’ll die on the way and leave this vail of tears.

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He's also a young earth creationist loon.

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Mikey is in the correct party for his level of intelligence.

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Yes because why not hit ALL the notes goddamit!

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It's full-service Repugnancy.

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