The Army of Northern Virginia?

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Lived in both places (currently in Silver Spring, MD, which is nice, no matter what vile aspersions the Editrix may cast upon it), and I would take LA traffic over DC traffic any day. You all have roads with many lanes. Our major arterials, like say Mass Ave, are 2 lanes in each direction, no turn lane, and on-street parking in at least one of the lanes.

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No McAfee for us, thank FSM.

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I suggest you run for Congress... and keep posting to Wonkette once you're in.

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"...Especially since the motherfuckers in Congress are planning to wipe the UI benefits in a month's time. ..." But that's what the Baby Jeebus wants them to do. Besides, are there no Poor Houses?

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What about the Naval Observatory?

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So why head for DC? The cherry blossoms? The hot humid summer? (if you go to New Orleans, it is hotter and more humid, but the food and music is *way* better; plus, they already have streetcars ). Waiting for another snowpoccalypse?

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No joke, we actually had a nice 3-bedroom place available, but now an Olympic gold medalist has moved into it. These things happen.

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Hey, they let him out of jail, so whaddya gonna do? It's probably Obama's fault. No, it's definitely Obama's fault.

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I've been looking for houses and the whole thing is depressing as fuck. Smaller ones are $300/sq foot (for a 500 sq foot space) and the larger ones (1500 sqft) continue to escape my grasp. This bubble needs to blow already.

If you asked me in 2005 how many rich do-nothing yoga/voodoo studio and doggie/aroma therapy clinic owning fuckwads that are willing to pay 20x what any normal person would pay for a house I would have said it peaked then - there couldn't possibly be that many of them. The children of the beneficiaries of this bullshit casino crap economy now own fucking everything.

There are an endless number of them.

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If you come back to Austin you can stay at Che Fartknocker. We have a car elevator.

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I hear that a lot

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It's in the C section, so there's a bit of a scar

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Up here we just learn how to drive on the ice. It's an essential component when one initially learns how to drive.

We invest in snowplows and salt spreaders here also, too.

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Yeah, no shit, Seattle too. Capitol Hill, Queen Anne, etc. Nightmare, and always at night.

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