I was there 1972-1976, as you've probably guessed.

There was an odd little grocery store store on that block of Dryden Road. An elderly Italian or Greek lady in widow's blacks sat there all day, and didn't seem to mind at all that there was almost no inventory and close to no sales. Could she have been a member of the Petrillose clan?

About 25 years ago, I drove alone to Chicago to visit my ailing father, and thought it would be fun to stop for the night in Ithaca. Collegetown seemed so disappointing, just a chilly, vapid, pricey resort for dumbass rich kids. It's like Harvard Square here – so vibrant and creative and available to all 50 years ago, and now it's just another mall anchored by a Nordstrom's. Not literally, yet.

I'm pretty sure it's just my nostalgia talking, but I do think quite a few Cornell students of my era loved Ithaca for all the right reasons. That's certainly more of a compliment to Ithaca than it is to us.

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The Archdiocese of Boston decided to get out of the hospital business 15-20 years ago, likely because they had so many abuse-related claims to deal with.

The next incarnation, Caritas Christi Health Care, did a deadly dance with blood-sucking private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, which converted it to a for-profit company called Steward Health Care System.

Maximum profits extracted and luxury yachts acquired, Cerberus legged it out of town. The results are absolutely horrifying.


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That crazy nurse also told the police there was "a baby in a bucket" at Watts house ensuring they had to go there. Instead of reporting accurately it was dead fetal remains.

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That nurse needs to be fired.

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Add to Watts' torment the shame all these people were trying to induce, not just in her but in every woman negotiating pregnancy in an imperfect (meaning human) way. Their message goes out loud and clear to anyone who knows a pregnant person and wants to keep her in line: just remind her of the terror and shame she will face should she (or nature) slip up. This is terrorism.

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Watts is a brave and strong woman.

And people need to be educated about their choice of hospitals. I purposely chose OB/Gyns with privileges at NON-Catholic hospitals for this very reason (my pregnancies occurred when abortion was still legal pretty much everywhere, but those f'ing Catholics have always been dicks about women's health), and faced an almost identical situation at 19 weeks. I was induced, and as traumatic as the situation was (because it was a very much wanted pregnancy), stories like this remind me of just HOW MUCH MORE HORRIBLE it could have been, and how so many people are actively TRYING to make it that bad for EVERY woman in that situation.

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The cruelty is the point.

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I live in south Louisiana where a LOT of the hospitals are Catholic. I had an ovarian tumor a few years ago and was told I should have a hysterectomy (I was in my mid-40s and never wanted kids, I was fine with this). I went all the way to Baton Rouge (about 90 minutes by car) to get it done at a non-Catholic run women's hospital, because no fucking way was I entrusting any procedure involving my lady parts to those sadistic misogynists.

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Then women in that area are toast when it comes to this issue. This needs to end.There must be a way to set up alternative resources for women because criminalizing the biological process of reproduction is declaring war on women.

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The Evilangelicals have been working with the Catholic misogynists, for decades to get to this point, this IS what they want.

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I had to go to a hospital once, for a non-pregnancy-related emergency. A nurse sat down to fill out a form, and one of the questions she asked me was: "Are you a good Christian woman?" Pause. Me: "What? Does your form really say that?!" She showed me. It did. I asked how that was relevant to the care I needed. She had no answer, just ticked NO and went on. Religion is fucking terrifying, and I need freedom from it, please and thank you.

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Good God. I use the term generically.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

One simple solution to this...

Supposedly, freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion. But we know damned well that it mostly does not in this country.

One solution to this kind of thing mentioned above would be that hospitals run by ANY religion at all should be banned - period. NO excuses.

Not that Catholics are the only ones guilty, but how many times have you heard of priests RAPING young people, and in the case of those who can get pregnant, they could be refused ANY medical care at a Catholic hospital, especailly if they do not want to carry a rapist's child.

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Here is a thought: If you are pregnant a fear a miscarriage, DO NOT go to a Catholic hospital if you can possibly avoid it. You will not get the care you need.

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The problem is the rotten bastards have been buying up hospitals for decades. It is hard to compete with guys that are tax-free. There are many maternity deserts where they are the only game in town, unless the pregnant person can drive a hundred or more miles.

"In a growing number of communities around the country, especially in rural areas, patients and physicians have access to just one hospital. And in more and more places, that hospital is Catholic. That sounds innocuous — a hospital is a hospital, after all. But Catholic hospitals are bound by a range of restrictions on care that are determined by religious authorities, with very little input from medical staff. Increasingly, where a patient lives can determine whether Catholic doctrine, and how the local bishop interprets that doctrine, will decide what kind of care she can get.

In 2011, the earliest year for which data was available, at least 29 communities only had a Catholic hospital to rely on for most of their care. By 2016, that number had grown to 45, according to MergerWatch,Definitive Healthcare database, MergerWatch pulled a list of facilities categorized as sole community hospitals, a federal designation for hospitals that are at least 35 miles from the next-closest equivalent hospital, or that are otherwise deemed geographically isolated. That designation in the Definitive Healthcare database was taken from Medicare cost reports. From there, MergerWatch researched which hospitals had a Catholic affiliation. FiveThirtyEight has confirmed that all hospitals appearing on this chart are members of the Catholic Health Association or adhere to the Ethical and Religious Directives of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. They first did this for 2011, which was published in a report with the ACLU; this year, they accessed the data for 2016, the most recently available year. It’s possible that there are sole community hospitals following these directives that don’t appear on the list. This list does not include hospitals that are affiliated with other religions, even if they do not provide certain services due to religious objections."


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Likewise, you shouldn't go to cannibal university. Or maybe we shouldn't allow cannibal universities to exist? Maybe? Have you considered that option?

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Ah so it was all her fault. Right, got it.

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Sometimes that’s the only hospital available.

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She would have had to gone to Akron or Cleveland. There are no non-religiously affiliated hospitals in the area.

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Ta, Robyn. That fucking nurse should lose her license.

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Even when their God does it (abortion, among other supposedly "bad" things), the blame must still be on his people (or anything else other than God).

That's Christian apologetics 101. And it apparently is part of the law of the land (or SOME land, i.e, states)

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After reading this, I am blind with rage. Again, the facts: 75% of all human zygotes abort at some point. This is nature's "cut and try" approach to quality control. This is God's doing if you anthropomorphize nature. If that bothers you, kill your God. Smash your false idol. Be done with him.

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Fuckin' Ohio lege.

Come arrest this birbe, ye asse holes.

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A lost count of the number of lawsuits everyone racked up in this shitshow.

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Damnit. 😡

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