He wasn’t a real model. He just played one in front of his bathroom mirror. “Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the …”

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That's his body double. The one that climbed Everest in a blizzard.

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So now anybody who had pictures taken at Olan Mills is a “looks model“?

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Ta, Robyn. It's just like everything else out of the liar's mouth: a lie.

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his hairline looks identical in both shots. like every single hair lol

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Does anyone remember Glamour Shots at the mall? Because those look like glamor shots.

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For some reason, Robyn is evincing in this post a disinclination to believe anything George Santos says.

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I'm going with Occam's Razor, Robyn.

Wasn't there recently a doc (streaming, cable, Vice?) about male and female models (mostly high-end) being sexually harassed? Like it's endemic in the industry (like any industry that preys on young, inexperienced, good-looking kids).

I think he ran across this documentary and saw a way to be get his name out there, be relevant again.

The pics are probably from some earlier scam.

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I did a "mannequin model" thing at sears in the 80s. It was fun bc of how people reacted when they noticed you were real. Not sure how that sold clothes tho.

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I went to college with a woman who worked her way through school as an organ salesperson. She was an organ major.

A short-lived phenomenon in the 60's and 70's, small electronic spinet-style organs for households that already had a piano. The salespeople knew all the tricks and could set up some popular song with all sorts of whizbang effects.

She was quite good. I don't know how many organs she sold.

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Yep, there was a Jordan Kitts at Tyson's Corner Center back in the day.

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Oh sure, there were stores in the mall. I loved those things.

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"favorite astronaut/skeet shooting Olympic gold medalist"

He WAS NEVER AN ASTRONAUT, he was the Commodore of the whole Space Command!!!

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George destroyed 17 Death Stars and was promoted to Top Rear Admiral.

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Big fuckin' deal. Han Solo never blew up one Death Star, and they made him a general.

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Wait....I thought he was Bottom Rear?

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I was wondering where he’d gone. So, what’s he up to now? Is he leading DARPA’s Inter-Agency Task Force on Foundational Requirements for Causal AI? Is he working on opening a new Michelin three-star restaurant in San Antonio? Is he working the night smooth jazz shift at WKRP? Where in Kitara Ravanche’s name is George Santos?

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“Young me did something called ‘looks modeling,’” he wrote on social media. “Age 18 in these. Fun times, but looking back I can say I was being constantly sexually harassed and I didn’t realize it. I was naive and young and didn’t see malice in any of it. Now when I look back it haunts me and I wish I could remember all of the peoples names and faces."

Oh, who needs memory, why not just make them up? It's kinda your thing.

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Habitual liars have so much trouble remembering names and faces.

And dates. And details. And any verifiable fact in the entire story.

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Georgie, Georgie, Georgie... I have roughly 50 photos like this of myself and Mr Cakes from ~2005. These are not "looks modelling", these are a photo shoot, paid for by yourself or your family, in which you wear your own clothes, maybe have your hair and make-up done by an on-site stylist, and then get charged a fortune for a CD full of edited photos.

Nice try.

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Honestly disappointed that the modeling thing didn't work out for him, because then he would have just been a moderately-successful has been today and not a corrupt former elected official.

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In-store modeling? That was on its way out in MY day even in upscale shops. We did it once in a rare while for special customers (some women, often foreign) did not want to try cloths on preferring to see what they liked and have it altered to fit.

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The mother of a former student of mine just died at age 96. Her obituary said that she used to be a model in the fine dresses and coats department of a local department store.

That ended when she got married and had kids. Her 2 sons are in their early 70s,

That store was kind of elegant but it wasn't anything like in the Grace Brothers store in "Are You Being Served?"

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Who cares? I can’t wait for this grifter to get convicted and go away forever.

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