Exactly! Ain't no funny stuff happening in their pants in my neighborhood, no siree Bob.

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I reckon this is political suicide, and in a way I'm glad he did this. It alienates:

Swing votersSwinger votersLGBTQI+ votersDemocratsDecent RepublicansPeople with brainsPeople with heartsPeople with a conscience

It's revolting, and all it does is play to the hardcore but diminishing base that Trump already has - and then, not even to all of them.

The deplorables exist. But I don't believe that every Trump voter is deplorable. And I think this is going to bite him in his big yellow butt.

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Day one in Trumpspeak is day fourteen.

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It’s not only trans people who are in danger. Trump is a seething cesspool of grievance, self-loathing and rage with an insatiable need for the adulation of anyone willing to give it. He’s never been interested in policy. He wants only to hurt people to cater to the most extreme factions of his decaying MAGA movement. There will be virtually no distinction between Nazis and MAGAs if he were ever to take power again. And with his mortal clock ticking, he will be looking to take down as many people and as much joy as he can before it’s all over. We should ALL be afraid.

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On the one hand I agree. On the other, I feel like we should all just point and laugh at the whole freaking lot of them. They are pathetic, hateful people who are in the minority and will eventually just fade away altogether.

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So Trump has boarded the anti-trans bandwagon. Does he viscerally hate trans people, or is he just pandering? It doesn't matter. Trump has long been willing to sacrifice anyone who gets in his way, including allies. If he has to support putting a few "freaks" in death camps to re-enter the White House and stay out of prison, even if he personally doesn't give a shit about them, that's just the price of doing business.

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Man. I do a lot of my work in rural Illinois, and most folks are lovely and gracious and care about their communities. But I'm just a white lady with purple hair, and you know I don't put any bumper stickers on my car because I don't want it keyed.

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Alone, penniless, and under a bridge in New Jersey.

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I believe I said there were potential New Age believers that could be brought on board to a socialist project. I mean, fast forward three years and now they're all in on Q-Anon, so whaddya know, I was right.

The irony is that I'm sure this vitriol comes from the same place that anger towards a non-drinker at a party comes from. The kind of "How dare you judge me" reaction that deep down they're probably doing something wrong and feeling self-conscious about it, so they lash out and the person they think is judging them, even if they're just enjoying a party (I am judging, of course). But the Left, as it is in my country and yours is still very weak. You beat us. You won! Yet the venom is still saved for the very weak left that you handily defeated because they have the temerity, the gall, the point out the victor's shortcomings.

Sorry pal, your victory means responsibility for success or failure of your political project rests with you. You got holes in your protections for trans people, that's on you to fill them, not on trans people to tolerate them out of fear of the alternative.

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You advocated bringing in the anti vaxxers. You advocated kicking trans people to the curb.

I'm sure you have great and noble reasons for it.

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Also, do I have to point out the hole in your plan of inviting those predisposed to Q bullshit into the tent? Do I have point out that they are fucking loons is exactky why inviting them in is a bad idea? Do I have to explaine why Q loons on the Dem side isn't a good idea? Doing I really have to do that for you?

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Insert "so you hate waffles" image here. No, sentences have meanings, despite your insistence to the contrary.

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Are you a Calvinist all of a sudden? You think these people were predestined to become conspiracy posters? That the conditions of COVID didn't hypercharge the alienation they were already feeling? Sure, for some, it was probably a lost cause. But not for all of them. Radicalization takes time and personally, I'd like to halt it wherever possible by channelling the alienation into something more constructive. You, by contrast, seem content to limit your coalition as if it was your own personal social club. That thinking loses elections.

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I'd suggest you look io crank magnetism

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Conservative white people, particularly of the male persuasion, are convinced that 'gender affirming care' means chopping off little boy peeners and forcing them to wear dresses. They don't even seem aware that FTM trans folk exist.

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Additional point.

I'm not suggesting they were predestined to become conspiracy theorists. I'm telling you that they already were conspiracy theorists.

Are you trying to claim there's some distinction between left or right when it comes to vaccines cause autism and other big pharma conspiracies?

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