How Sick, Dangerous And Stupid Can Donald Trump Be In One Week?
He's still mocking John McCain's injuries years after his death, he thinks he could have 'negotiated' the Civil War, he's extremely confused about magnets, AND MORE.
It’s time for another of those posts where we remind ourselves and each other that it’s not normal to have running for president an illegitimate tyrant who incited a terrorist attack to overthrow the Republic, and where we take a look at a few things he’s done and said in just the past few days that we haven’t had a chance to write about because where the fuck do you even start?
This weekend in Iowa:
Trump Said He Thinks He Could Have ‘Negotiated’ The Civil War
Yes, Donald Trump, the shitty businessman who you wouldn’t trust to sell your old Corolla unless a Russian oligarch wanted to launder money through it, thinks he could have Art of the Dealed the Civil War. (Video here.)
"See, there was something I think could've been negotiated, to be honest with you. I think you could've negotiated that. All the people died, so many people died," he said.
Which part could have been “negotiated”? What artful compromise could have been found there, between “Yes slaves” and “No slaves”? Probably something just as “fair” as all the MAGA “peace plans” for Ukraine where Vladimir Putin is allowed to rape Ukraine somewhat.
"If he negotiated it, you probably wouldn't even know who Abraham Lincoln was," Trump said. "He would have been president, but he would have been president and would have been — he wouldn't have been the Abraham Lincoln."
What in God’s holy fuck is that piece of pigshit saying? Even Ron DeSantis does not know. This weekend DeSantis said, "I don't even know what he's talking about.” He added, "I mean, Lincoln did what he had to do. He ended up ushering in the abolition of slavery and he saved the Union. That's a huge victory for the Republican Party."
Of course DeSantis is going to try to make it like Republicans would end slavery today given the task — hahahahahahaha fuck off — but congratulations, Donald, on making Twinkleshoes McAwkward look normal.
Liz Cheney tweeted, “Which part of the Civil War 'could have been negotiated' The slavery part? The secession part?"
Not even the Trump campaign knows what the fecal samples in Trump’s brain were talking about:
[T]he Trump campaign didn't elaborate on what he meant, instead slamming "elitists" who "spew their hatred."
Uh huh. OK.
Explain this one then:
Trump KNOWS How Fucking Magnets Work (No)
"When the magnetic elevators — think of it — magnets. Now, all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets," Trump said at his rally in Mason City.
In response, Ron DeSantis said Trump has “lost some zip.”
Goddammit, that’s twice in one blog post Ron DeSantis has looked better than Trump. Pity that won’t translate into votes from the MAGA hog choir in the Iowa Caucuses.
(And no, that is not how “magnets.”)
Trump Attacked John McCain And Made Fun Of His Injuries, Even Though McCain Has Been Dead For Years Now
We talk about how Trump’s brain appears to get medically stuck. For instance, it’s been buffering since apparently the late 1980s on issues of crime in New York, and just what New York is like in general at ground level, which is why whenever he talks about his hometown, he sounds like he’s never been there.
While whining about one of his millions of lifetimes failures, his inability to repeal Obamacare, Trump said this weekend:
"You know, without John McCain, we would have had it done. But John McCain, for some reason, couldn't get his arm up.”
The “joke” is that McCain was so brutally tortured in Vietnam that he couldn’t raise his arms above his shoulders the rest of his life. We all know how much Trump despises American troops, wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, especially those who are injured or die in battle.
And he’s still not over John McCain, who’s been dead for years at this point.
Read Charlie Sykes’s newsletter yesterday for some reminders of actual things Trump did while in office, the way he constantly mocked John McCain’s war injuries, and the way he even ordered the USS John McCain to be moved out of his sight during a visit to Japan.
Read the rest of Sykes’s piece for a reflection on Trump’s moral universe, which basically amounts to how, since he’s a worthless scumbag piece of shit unworthy of respect or love, he’s going to try to flatten everybody else’s landscape so that he brings them down to his level.
If you can’t win respect, then try to destroy the basis by which respect is granted by flattening the moral landscape. Because Trump is incapable of appreciating or emulating the senator’s sense of duty and honor, Trump resorts to the petulance of the bitter and the envious. “You’re no better than me,” is the timeworn playground taunt of the bully, the cretin, and the coward.
Trump Called The J6 Terrorists ‘Hostages’
Explanation unnecessary, he’s an enemy of America. Our most dangerous living one, in fact.
Trump Seemingly Threatened Riots If The Supreme Court Doesn’t Rule He’s Permanently Immune From The Consequences Of His Criminal Terrorist-Inciting Actions
He was more explicit about it outside his hearing at the appeals court yesterday. “Bedlam in the country,” he said there would be.
This weekend in Iowa Trump also:
attacked E. Jean Carroll, whom he was found liable for sexually abusing (the judge clarified that colloquially and even in other legal jurisdictions, the “sexual abuse” would be known as rape);
continued lying about the 2020 election;
lied about “antifa” and the FBI inciting the terrorist attack (his terrorist attack) on the Capitol, the one he encouraged and incited;
rubbed his dick all over Vladimir Putin and President Xi of China, like he does with all strongmen, because he’s a pathetic excuse for a man.
As we mentioned above, Trump came out of his immunity hearing yesterday — where his lawyers argued that he could only be prosecuted for ordering the assassination of a political enemy if he had first been impeached and convicted in the Senate for it — and threatened “bedlam” if he’s held accountable for his actions. He refused to say his followers should stand down in such an eventuality. (Nor did he tell them to “stand by” like he told the Proud Boys, but we’re sure it was just an oversight.)
Let’s look at this morning’s Washington Post.
This is what Donald Trump wants America to be.
[ABC News / video via American Bridge]
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I cannot believe there are veterans who support Trump. it's mind-boggling. He stands for everything the U.S. fought against in WWII - autocracy, political violence, the rejection of democracy and the rule of law. He's stolen from veterans through his fake charity. Then "Five Deferments Trump" here insults those who were wounded by mocking their injuries.
It's despicable, and any veteran who supports him should be ashamed.
"Judge rescinds permission for former President Donald Trump to give his own closing argument at his civil fraud trial"