Comer skipped the dep so he could hide behind “I wasn’t there! I got lost!” And because he was afraid to face Hunter. The entire GOP smear campaign has been placed on his square head and he doesn’t even participate in the BOMBSHELL sworn testimony of Hunter Buh buh buh Biden??? As if we need more proof this is nothing but a pathetic charade.

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Mr. Biden, WHO paid fer the spaghetti???

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Seriously. Comer was obsessed with getting Hunter to sit for a private deposition and then he skipped out on most of it?

I don't know what procedure governs something like this, but if the fucking Chair of the fucking Committee is not present, it would seem like there is no actual reason to go through the motions.

Also, who is having their name redacted? WTAF?

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Pigfuck McHeehaw strikes again!

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At this point, I'd snort a rail off that man's magnificent penis and I am not gay or into coke...

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Joe and Hunter met over spaghetti dinners? just like in the Sopranos? Crime family!

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Can you picture Donald and Eric Trump trying to eat spaghetti?

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I can picture Eric crying as he struggles to twirl it on his spoon (no sharp forks for dear Eric) and Trump screaming at the waiter for humiliating his boy. “I told you to give him the chicken nuggets no matter what he ordered!”

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That was excellent how Hunter let Matt know, he knows about Matt's Cocaine parties, with the underage "party-favors". I think Matt took over the blackmail biz after Epstein bit it.

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"favors", good one!

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When you hand them out like candy, what else could it be?

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Don't forget, this is the exact same crowd dumping on Hunter for having what "was" (I hope) a serious dependency problem AFTER the death of his brother Beau, who he was extremely close with. So his concerned father checks in on him while he's in Business meetings. That doesn't sound criminal ro me. Gaetz & Co. are pathetic! I hope he challenges Deez-Antics for FL Gov and gets out of Congress!

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I just read the whole deposition, it is fascinating in that the repubs keep trying to pull 'gotchas!', but Hunter just calmly explains how reality works to the idiots.


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They know he's innocent but they have to keep the story in the news to help the Mango Madman.

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I loved that Hunter, being a lawyer himself knew when to call bullshit and when to say "I don't remember." And when he told them he had better resume than any of them...*chefs kiss*

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I’m sure Jamie Raskin, who lost his son to mental illness days before their goddamn pigfuckery of an insurrection, was radiating a combination of support for Hunter and white hot contempt for the lynch mob.

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Gaetz: "Were you on drugs when you worked at Burisma, because my dealer went to jail and I need a new contact."

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Don Jr's will mail it to your house.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

"I've tried to contact my girlfriend to see if she can find one but she's on a school field trip to the planetarium right now so, that's no good."

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My GOD the way they hector and badger that poor man is UTTERLY DISGUSTING. I mean can THEY answer the question of how many times they had dinner with THEIR OWN FUCKING FATHER? Hundreds? Thousands? I mean is it even possible?

Let's see, how many years have I been alive, multiply that by the number of days you could have potentially eaten dinner with YOUR OWN FUCKING FATHER.

Oh, how many times did he visit HIS OWN FUCKING GRANDCHILDREN? Hundreds? Thousands? ARE YOU SURE, MR. BIDEN OR ARE YOU LYING TO US?


Dear GOD.

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Full stop.

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Ta, Evan. Some of your best work ever, and that is saying a lot, because you’re consistently awesome. ❤️❤️❤️

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If I ever said Hunter Biden could not make me cry I was wrong. Imagine PAB being questioned and asking you to think of someone other than himself.

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"Jimmy Crack Comer" ... along with Representative Pigfuck will be some of Evan's greatest contributions to political discourse *ever* in the history of America.

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Right up there with "Vegan babby buttholes." which is still the standard to meet.

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if Congress ever holds a dickstapling contest it's sure to be, at least, a seventeen way tie for first . . . and not one of them will be a Democrat

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