It would serve them right. :)

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I've run out. Only beer, whisky, vodka and port left. And wine.

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Don't start me on the shitting arsehole cunts that are the Europhobic racist xenophobic cunts that run the shitting place now, the dickhead wankers.

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That'll do...

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"her reality-incognizent child "

Go ahead and mock the mom all you want, but could you maybe not mock the autistic kid? Not only is it offensive to those of us who know and love people who have kids on the spectrum, it doesn't exactly help you project quite the image of empathy you may have been aiming for. Or is it OK to make fun of autistic children as long as they have Republican parents?

I say this both as someone whose GF has an autistic kid, and as Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator. Please review the rules. Notice the very first one, for Chrissakes.

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I don't know, but it sadly would not surprise me if they didn't call it a fake based on how Sara "doesn't sound like a deaf person" when she talks.

Because, y'know, all deaf and hard-of-hearing people have that same style of pronunciation.

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The Khan ad made me weep. The Sara and Martha ad just made me so angry, because it should not be so hard and so expensive to care for your children or to get them a decent education.

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Now that's better.

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Heh, I like how guttersnipe is thrown in there when standing strong in the defense of children. It's like entering the the snark tempest zone.

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Or "retarded", according to Trump.

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More of this and purge the pro-war neocons, please, Madame President!

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Valid point, mate. But to be fair, the pro-war politicians come in both Republican and Democrat flavours.



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kant sea keebrd, eys felll out imy faace

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You are still nasty even when you post the same crap on multiple articles. Begone you vile person.

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Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. In American jurisprudence, accusation is not guilt. In America, when the FBI conducts an investigation and concludes that no laws were broken that warrant pursuing, no laws were broken. That's the way it works. Most of us Americans like it that way.

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Why do you go out of your way to peddle this crap? Your insults are too clumsy and pedestrian to cause any hurt or outrage. So, if you're a sadistically motivated troll, you're not very good at. If you are a narcissistically motivated troll and think somehow you'll adgrandize yourself by virtuously setting the record straight what ever the fuck you call this festering cesspool of accusation and vitriol, again, you are a sad failure. No one here takes you seriously; although, you may make for some minor humor in next week's Shit fer Brains column. If you're a Machiavellianly motivated troll and think that you will somehow, man, I can't even imagine how this tripe could be construed as Machiavellian, so you've obviously failed there, too. What you were bored and had a moment to cut and paste your canned comments into this thread? Cheap entertainment, I guess.

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