"Fistpump McRunpants" has me giggling.

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If that were my father, he would not have been invited to my wedding.

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To be REALLY different, spell it Madisonave.

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"Break out groups" to introduce ourselves.

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Bomb tossing cartoonist Drew Friedman has a take on this that is rarely seen. Namely that Andy and Barney had side gigs as high officials in the KKK.


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There are "good cops", I know...But they are driven out of the force or forced to comply with the fascism.

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Decent people have long recognized this point of basic fairness. People with just a shred of decency only figure it out when it is their own family member. This congressthug can't even find a shred of decency.

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Rep. Thompson has a real flair for picking out wedding gifts.

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Maybe the son is one of those "Log Cabin" people who TOTALLY agree with all the R ideas about taking rights away from, well, everyone not white, male, and right wing, letting the climate and environment collapse, eliminating taxes on the rich and so forth, but just wish the Rs would allow them to lick their boots, Sir!

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"Conservatism consists of exactly one principle: there must be an in-group whom the law protects but does not constrain, alongside an out-group whom the law constrains, but does not protect"

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Darrell "Grand Theft Auto" Issa.

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I am sorry.

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Semi-on-topic, since it's about shitty parents of queer people:

A story on the front-page of today's Washington Post is about the "debate" over parents' rights to abuse trans kids. On the one hand, some people believe students in federally-funded schools have a right to privacy. On the other hand, some people really want to make it easier for parents to be the very best child abusers possible, and they want the schools to spend their own resources to make it easier for parents to abuse their kids.

The Post has several quotes from the Alliance Defending Freedom, who explain the horrible trampling of Parents' Rights that occur when a teacher refers to a student by their legal name in conversation with the student's parents, but calls them by a different name in class. Can you imagine how horrifying it must be if you're a parent and your kid's teacher calls them "Joseph" when talking to you, but you aren't sure whether someone is calling your kid "Joe" when you aren't around? Especially if your Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs compel you to cut off the limbs of any child whom someone else calls "Joe."

At no point in the article does the Post clarify that the so-called defenders of "Parents' Rights" also want to arrest nonabusive parents of trans kids. They uncritically accept the ADF's framing of the issue, with a faux sense of balance provided by few quotes of school officials saying things like "we care about privacy."

Bringing things back to the current topic, I'm sure Glenn Thompson wishes he could still abuse his kid: the Bible doesn't say anything about the magic age of 18, and plenty of parents of college students don't understand that they aren't entitled to know their adult kids' grades.

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His anti-SSM argument in 2015 was disingenuous BS. No one was redefining “biblical” marriage, whatever that means, and no one was even redefining civil marriage. Unless any of you heard of cases where gay shock troops dragged straight couples from their homes and forced them to divorce and then marry same-sex spouses. Now he removes all doubt that his position on SSM is all pandering, that he’ll gladly throw gay people to the wolves just to remain in office.

If Thompson’s constituent Punxsutawney Phil is reading this, I’ll give you some groundhog treats if you bite Thompson’s foot.

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Aren’t those the same parents who laugh at Black families who name their kids Laquita or Shaniqua?

Madison wasn’t even a first name until Splash.

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And somehow we're on the verge of losing to these assholes, that take performative assholery to new heights, according to pollsters. If it isn't bigotry and misogyny that keeps these cretins in office what is it?

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