My current town used to do 45min shows. God, I was ready to leave well before the end. I think it gave me a surfeit, because now I can take or leave them. (They've been shorter over the last several years, thank god)

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one of the neighbor kids was setting off smoke bombs on their sidewalk under the father's encouragement. Even one as we were walking towards them. Eldest told them off.

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Pre-Covid, Oregon lost a large area of pristine old growth and beloved hiking trails to some idiot Washington teenager* who was lighting firecrackers and throwing them into a tree-lined canyon.

I think he got some kind of community service, but I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say he would have been lynched in downtown Portland’s Pioneer Square if he’d fallen into the wrong hands. Probably from the Weather Machine. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

*Note: He just happened to be from Washington. Oregon has plenty of idiot teenagers of our own.

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I always loved fireworks growing up, but as soon as I had babies that was all over. Now I'm back to appreciating them again, but I decidedly did not take the ten-year-old to the traditional illegal neighborhood fireworks show last night BECAUSE I read in the news that they're trying to crack down on it. Apparently I was the only one who got the memo, because the show was definitely still on.

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People, people... M80s should only be used to blow up model cars or your sister's Barbie dolls. Lighting them and just tossing them just wastes them!

(What I should have said to the assholes down the street from me lighting M80s at 11 pm on July 3rd.)

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Oh wow, I didn't realize he was going to meet your mom. I'm glad it went well! :-)

BTW, how is your mom doing? Doesn't she also have kidney issues right now? :-/

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I feel like silly string could be made biodegradable. Biodegradable glitter exists so it should be not too hard.

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You don't call it "Guy Fawkes' Day"?

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I did not hear much, but I go to bed WAY early.

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Oh, she does. She's just clueless about animal behavior. On plus side, she never tried it again.

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Actually, that's true. Which is why she's a terrible pet owner.

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My poor dog is stressed to the max. Many of us have to get up early in the morning, but the artillery goes off until 2am. There is a direct correlation between IQ, income and fireworks expenditure. Can't buy your kid enough to eat? No problem. Just let them blow their little hand off and the hospital will feed them after their surgery.

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Yeah, I literally thought it was HAILING/Raining really hard around 9:30pm on the 3rd. I was not right. My 2nd floor neighbor had lit a huge snake on his porch, causing a LOT of smoke, which I got smacked in the face with trying to see if it was indeed hail. It had been raining off and on, and my partner has Asthma and a heart condition. Lovely 🫨😵‍💫

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Big Yin once proposed replacing 'glod save the royal parasite' with the them from The Archers so you may be on to something


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Toots and the Maytals version

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