Feb 23Liked by Martini Glambassador

This was beautiful! It’s round dance season, y’all. Here’s how to do one! All nations welcome!


And it’s storyteller season!


Here is Tomson Highway doing just that at the 2022 Massey Lectures. Absolutely incredible wonderful talks, highly recommend!

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador, ziggywiggy

How can I thank you enough for this? I'm recovering from Covid (kind of afraid to break into my Very Valuable Supply of tests to find out if I'm negative yet, even though it's my key to leaving the house after a little more than a week), and, during the time when I was too tired to do much of anything but read but finally energetic enough to be able to do so, I finished "To Shape a Dragon's Breath" by Moniquill Blackgoose (read it if you think there's any chance at all you'd enjoy it). This really resonated with what I can remember of the last week, and the story is so beautiful. I hope the healing works; we need it so.

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Glad you're feeling better! If this helps, from the CDC:

You may end isolation after day 5 if:

You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).


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Feb 22Liked by ziggywiggy

Haha, I've been fever-free the entire time (as was my husband, otherwise referred to as the vector). I pretty much don't do fever. This is day 8 after onset of symptoms and day 6 after my first positive test and, not at all coincidentally, the day after I finished the course of Paxlovid. I'll work up to it, probably after I expend a bunch of energy on the more valuable task of making oatmeal (the real stuff, steel-cut and everything, because that nasty taste is gone and I deserve the best, including the local dairy milk my husband brought home yesterday). And merci beaucoup for the well wishes!

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YAY!! I love those women so much. They are freaking hilarious too!!

Indigenous Women's Laughter is Medicine


Native Girls be Like (1)


Native Girls be Like (2)


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Thanks for recommending them to feature, Boogie Mom. 😁

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Did I? Goodness! Thanks for listening! <3

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

I LOVE that. I got to see a Miao (Hmong) festival in a remote corner of Guizhou, China, where the women wear so many jingly metal decorations that the air is full of this ceaseless tinkling sound just from their moving around. But when they dance!

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

That's cool! I wondered why they were in Monument Valley. Thanks for the link!

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

Large parts of the American west have a beauty that is stark and alluring, but the dancers add grace and color all their own.

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

They really do! I'm so grateful for my time out there, it’s such a beautiful place.

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Fierce ladies are fierce and beautiful

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

That field dance is kind of sexy.


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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

It's beautiful

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Feb 22Liked by Martini Glambassador

I love the last bit of the clip as they move across the field. Beautifully done, Martini.

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Great Tabs, Dok. Love the Thornton pic!

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"“Drill baby drill.” And then he’d also make the border secure. But drill first."

I'm pretty sure there are RWNJs who sincerely believe that drilling *through* the corpse of an "illegal" makes you much more likely to strike oil. Drawing a pentagram with their blood first optional.

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"MY cat" (emphasis added)

I think I see the problem.

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Oregon is in for a swell time. Decomposing whales stink to high heavens.

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Just a gentle spelling correction: the name is Gym Jordan.

You're welcome.

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OT This is as bad as PABs golden shoes but for kids. You have to get kids trained early.


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I'm listening to Queen as I write the movie post so I figured I'd start sharing Queen music as a lead up to Saturday's Movie night showing of 𝐁𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲. (The movie is free on Tubi till March 1st, damn I planned that right!)

Queen - Somebody To Love


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Feb 22Liked by ziggywiggy

Babby Axl has been singing to me ziggy,

Bohemian Rhapsody: stuck on the first floor.

brain is uber out of things.

*disappears back into mist

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Love you Chicken, you know where to reach me if you need me!

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Feb 22Liked by ziggywiggy

yes indeedy.

luurkin cos shit ain't working

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sent you a text

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Feb 22Liked by ziggywiggy

Is that the one with Mike Myers?

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Yes! It's perfect type casting as he plays a producer who doesn't want to release Bohemian Rhapsody. Because kids won't ride in a car and bang their heads to it. LOL.

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Commander probably smelled Russian/Trump stink on them. That's one way to weed out the SS Trump loyalists. Who's a good puppy?!

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That is the obvious inference, isn't it.

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It would appear so.

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Never mind about “brown marmorated stink bugs”; what about the threat of Amazon flatbugs?!



(From MAD magazine #107, Dec 1966, aka the “flatbug issue”)

Also, how cool is it the possible bio-remedial solution to the BMSB is something called the “samurai wasp”?

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i just went down a BMSB hole. It seems that we have a problem with them in my neck of the PNW- apple/pear/grape/cherry are grown around here. Our house is always infested with stink bugs so now I will check them more carefully before destroying them

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Cats won't bite people, it is known. And they are ALWAYS very careful with their claws.

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I was going to say maybe there are no reports of biting because Willow always disposes of any witnesses…

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Could you have a word with my cat? She did not get the memo, and she probably wouldn't take it well from me, the resident lame human (as opposed to my husband, the resident cool human).

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"MY cat" (emphasis added)

I think I see the problem.

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My house is full of dead stink bugs. Let me tell you, when they fly right at you... [gif of soul leaving a body]

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mine is too, all year round. when we hear the distinctive whirring noise they make there is normally a collective swearing episode

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I’d be terrified if *anything* that was dead flew at me too! 😺

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I have my Babolat stinkbug murder weapon at the ready at all times.

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but dont you then have to deal with the stink

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Not when they're flying, they have their little evil legs planted to tip up their butts and spray ya, which is why my cats give them a wide bearth.

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I don't even have to watch the exploding whale clip anymore. Merely reading Dave Berry's short description is enough to send me into a state of uncontrolled laughter for a good 10 minutes at least.

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The reporter on that clip is amazingly funny

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Feb 22Liked by ziggywiggy

I will add that I have been living among some very “sketchy” people. I used the dogs and horses here to tell who I was reasonably “safe” around and who had to leave. Considering that some of the Secret Service seemed to be very loyal to Trump - why were their cell phones wiped after 1/6 - maybe Joe Biden was letting Commander sort them out for him.

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I hope he sticks to ones Commander okayed.

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Lol. Can never not watch that exploding whale clip. Bit "I thought turkeys could fly!" energy.

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Does Trump think immigrants are coming to our border because there’s oil there?

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