Man, I have to say that they certainly deserve each other.

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Why is that woman in Lara Croft cosplay?

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It’s “Marshall” law

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Everything everywhere all the time is 100% about nothing more than attention these days, I fucking swear.

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Is that steam coming off of Madge's nether regions?

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He looks like a horny water buffalo lookin' for a forehead to hump...

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What a sad pathetic man. Ya know who I blame for all of this are the Kartrashians. Also the writers strike that brought about "reality" tv. They pulled the most repulsive characters out of this country and put their bad behavior on display showing them enjoying a wealth they would have otherwise not have had.

Now every redneck, gutter snipe, racist, misogynistic, idiot out there is clamoring for a piece of the stupid pie. And while I love Wonkette, sometimes I just wish that the internet had never been invented. So much good out there and we are inundated with trash.

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''Reality'' TV was also 100% responsible for Trump.

The majority of the nation did not know about him until they shovelled out the dung heap of ''The Apprentice'' onto the American public. Other NBC shows helped. The vile Jimmy Fallon tousled Trump's hair on his terrible show. And his previous boss, Lorne Michaels, who was a running buddy at at the NYC nightspots with Trump, when he was on SNL during thelection year, Lickass Lorne ORDERED his cast, writers, and staff to not make fun of Trump.

As for the interwebs, you are right to some extent, but the REAL chande occurred with anti-social media and the ability to use the internet outside the home or work.

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I love living in Arizona (mostly). Beautiful place with stupid as shit politics and a lot of very stupid (and/or very misguided) people. Happy final days of Zappadan, yo...

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Looks more like he's running for Kid Rock, now that Kid Rock has aged gracefully into maturity. Kid Rock with "platforms." Sure, why not.

The scary thing is Q-Sham actually has a chance of being elected. It worked for Ronny Jackson, MD. Find the right district and you're in like...well, Flynn.

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MGT has nothing to lose. She lost her shot at being a serious politician already and her constituents don't seem to care what she does.

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This looks like any small-bar heavy metal concert I’ve ever been too, but with less savory characters.

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At a traveling carnival, not everyone wants to be photographed next to the geek.

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Ewwwww. I bet the Shaman hasn't washed his fur since before he terrorized the Capitol..

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I bet it smells like Axe, stale sweat and failure.

GMTA, etc. :-)

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He probably dabbles in the Patchouli oils on top of the funk...

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Pyramid Patchouli... there was only one joker sensitive enough to wear that scent-- and I had to find out who he was!

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Political platforms are supposed to convince others to espouse the same ideas, or at least garner support for some shared goals. Sorry, Jake, it's an unintended (and not funny at all) comedy bit.

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Can you imagine what that headpiece smells like?

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OMG! I just commented about this very thing. LOL!!!

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