It's not the admin's fault, but they also have never once said what they would do differently. There are no alternate policy proposals for how they would fight inflation, they just parrot the talking point that "Biden caused inflation" and move on.
They also vote against proposals that would have actually helped people being hurt by inflation, like when every single Republican voted against the price gouging bill.
Yeah, I thought he had been banished to NBC The Lesser (i.e. online only), but apparently the network is too lazy to find another incompetent guy to be the face of the Press on Meet the Press.
I believe the Republican ground rules for interviews are no follow ups or we won’t appear.
Whatever it is, it's good news for John McCain
My day is ruined...I thought NBC had fired Chuck Todd's ass a year ago.
Fuck Scrod, fucking this country since he was a tiny guppy...
Chuck Turd belongs on Fux Noise
Man, Chuck Todd is so fucking useless. There are so many better journalists who could be sitting in his seat.
It's not the admin's fault, but they also have never once said what they would do differently. There are no alternate policy proposals for how they would fight inflation, they just parrot the talking point that "Biden caused inflation" and move on.
They also vote against proposals that would have actually helped people being hurt by inflation, like when every single Republican voted against the price gouging bill.
Good points.
Yeah, I thought he had been banished to NBC The Lesser (i.e. online only), but apparently the network is too lazy to find another incompetent guy to be the face of the Press on Meet the Press.
That’s saying a lot after DJT and his merry band of grifters. And after seeing Kevin McCarthy in action.
And he missed the discussion on context and asking hard questions
You could easily call this "The weekend's worst people in the world"
Maybe Heidi Cruz would like a sister-wife.
Soon being childless and female will be declared unlegal by the GOP.
That's probably not far off.