Ooh! Ooo! I know this one.

Get a bottle of vodka. Not the cheap stuff either. And some ice cubes. You'll also need a glass. Put the ice in the glass. Pour vodka nearly to the top. Test for temperature by tasting. Do this until your lips are numb. <i>(I don't remember what happens next but when I wake up my drool has washed away the coffee. The keyboard impression on my face goes away after a few hours.)</i>

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Hey, give 'em time. It takes awhile to go from Montana to LA on hoverrounds.

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yes, but take your victories where you can get them. this is pretty fucking sweet.

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Okay, this is possibly not the best deal the city could have gotten, but notice that the undoubtedly increased property tax and sales tax still goes to the city. The thing that is deferred is the "bed tax", or "tourist tax". This is, no shit, a substantial amount of money, but it's worth remembering that it's a substantial amount of money that would not exist if there were no hotels in the area. Which there didn't used to be.

Municipalities almost always fuck up when they do deals with professional <strike>robbers</strike> developers, because the municipalities are thinking about improving neighborhoods and civic pride and stuff like that; and the developers are thinking about extracting as much money as possible from the deal.

But sometimes the municipality will derive some measurable benefit, even if it is less than what it <i>might</i> have gotten, and despite the fact that its commercial partners made a shit-pot of money on the deal.

Even here in the United Snakes of California, we're pretty much trapped (by our fellow citizens) in a reality where creating a civic good requires making some asshole rich. I guess I still favor creating civic goods.

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Cuban is one of the small percentage of rich folks who wants to be publicly recognized. (In the old days, this would be called <i>nouveau riche</i>. Today, I suppose it's fame-whore.)

If you look at a list of the hundred richest motherfuckers, eighty of them are essentially invisible. Whatever freaky shit they may get up to, we aren't gonna find out about it. Those folks don't buy sports franchises. They might be minority partners, because sports franchises are hella investment, but they aren't the face, or anywhere near it.

Cuban wants the public eye. My reaction to that is to basically ignore him. Chances are, even he doesn't know what he thinks from day to day.

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And, while I do not know the Clips, extrapolating from the Warriors, quite a few of the existing ticket-holders are already "black folks".

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Such a thoughtful and permissive <strike>guy</strike>racist, this one!

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Actually, since we're talking about the Clippers, he probably could have.

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This might be jumping a little too soon. Even Stern would probably have done about the same, and he was nobody's pretend boyfriend.

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These bitches just want to suck me off.

Wait, what?

Oh, sorry, I'm not Don Sterling.

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I like the way you think, while you do. While I do.

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Racist duck guy is racist, also in Louisiana. This is fucking California -- excuse me for taking it more personally.

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Invoking DefCon-1 howling-wingnut-rage alert status. Suggest clearing 10-mile radius as precautionary measure to avoid collateral damage.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Wonkette snarking.

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I think that the only reason Silver went hard on him is that he knows he's got the votes to force the sale of the team.

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Don't be silly . . . you can't own white guys.

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"Obviously, he doesn’t own the houses, or he would never let them live there."

Thanks, 'Trix. Does anybody here know if you can just rinse coffee off of a Logitech keyboard?

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