Everybody who isn't A Dumb knows that drug testing welfare recipients doesn't actually work, because SURPRISINGLY, poor people don't actually live by the parameters of a typical Rush Limbaugh rant about welfare queens getting high off government paychecks and smoking drugs.
That's the beauty of it! If, as I predict, the senators would test positive at a higher rate, then I don't believe that even these hypocritical arsewipes could be so brazen as to exclude only themselves at a later date. It could take drug testing off the table forever.
This position now taken on the Affordable Care Act by the Iowa Republican Party is reminiscent of the time when the Iowa Republican Party joined together to change the age of consent (for sexual relationships)The age of consent was for nearly a century a moral issue that the Republicans claimed was given to the state by Jesus Christ. That is until one of their own was caught doing the Horizontal Bop with a House Page. (High School seniors who on average were 17 to 18 years of age. The average age of Legislators at that time was, I believe 40 something.)Suddenly the age of consent was antiquated and unenforceable.And during the last day of the Legislative session an amendment was added to a Bill (which in no way shape or form had anything to do with intercourse with a minor) and passed without debate. In fact the local news media had no idea that it was inserted at the last minute.Keeping one very happy Republican Representative out of jail
You would be correct. Addiction doesn't discriminate... and these dudes (and some dudettes, to be fair) have a lot of fucking money and have already plainly demonstrated the keen ability to spend it on hedonistic ways... prostitutes, sex parties, flying around on vacations on the taxpayer dime.. don't tell me for one minute they aren't into the bad shit. They most certainly are!
As I've read here before on the drug-test issue, follow the money. A simple search led me to the knowledge that the provider of Tennessee's drug-test-the-poors kits is none other than Congresswoman Diane Black (R--as in Rich as Heck), who owns Aegis Sciences Corporation with her husband, David.
You are supposed to find Gawd, who will then make all of your troubles go away. The only thing keeping you from eternal salvation with Jeezes is the cursed socialism. Remove that and you're home free.
Injected Jesus?
FWIW, Rush Limbaugh is a known drug addict. ;)
That's the beauty of it! If, as I predict, the senators would test positive at a higher rate, then I don't believe that even these hypocritical arsewipes could be so brazen as to exclude only themselves at a later date. It could take drug testing off the table forever.
OK, so I'm idealist, let me dream.
This position now taken on the Affordable Care Act by the Iowa Republican Party is reminiscent of the time when the Iowa Republican Party joined together to change the age of consent (for sexual relationships)The age of consent was for nearly a century a moral issue that the Republicans claimed was given to the state by Jesus Christ. That is until one of their own was caught doing the Horizontal Bop with a House Page. (High School seniors who on average were 17 to 18 years of age. The average age of Legislators at that time was, I believe 40 something.)Suddenly the age of consent was antiquated and unenforceable.And during the last day of the Legislative session an amendment was added to a Bill (which in no way shape or form had anything to do with intercourse with a minor) and passed without debate. In fact the local news media had no idea that it was inserted at the last minute.Keeping one very happy Republican Representative out of jail
You would be correct. Addiction doesn't discriminate... and these dudes (and some dudettes, to be fair) have a lot of fucking money and have already plainly demonstrated the keen ability to spend it on hedonistic ways... prostitutes, sex parties, flying around on vacations on the taxpayer dime.. don't tell me for one minute they aren't into the bad shit. They most certainly are!
You're adorable. <pats head>
color me surprised
How about we drug test everyone who votes for these idiots?
they do blow every time they introduce a bill, offer an amendment or cast a vote- just ask Charles and David
So gather around, good Iowa lawmakers, it’s time to CROSS STREAMS FOR FREEDOM.
Let ring the battle-cry of PEEDOM!
For starters we can have the IRS do a severe audit on all these corn-fed state legislatures.
they should just pee on each other and get it over with already - golden showers for all of em
Certainly the rest of the GOP caucus is content to let the Dems shoot this one down, for obvious reasons...
As I've read here before on the drug-test issue, follow the money. A simple search led me to the knowledge that the provider of Tennessee's drug-test-the-poors kits is none other than Congresswoman Diane Black (R--as in Rich as Heck), who owns Aegis Sciences Corporation with her husband, David.
I wonder who gets the government money from testing the poors in Wisconsin? Mrs. Black again? Or someone else?
I support mandatory drug testing of all recipients of corporate welfare.
You are supposed to find Gawd, who will then make all of your troubles go away. The only thing keeping you from eternal salvation with Jeezes is the cursed socialism. Remove that and you're home free.