This has been known for decades. The only difference here is a live witness and participant. The Russians approached Harry Truman to work a deal with him. Harry spoke to them plainly. They offered Ike support. They offered Adlai support. Barry turned them down. No word on Tricky Dick, (red flag). Dick did the same thing with Madame Chiang kai-shek to get the North to quit the peace talks that had just had a breakthrough and wait for big Dick to get elected. Ronnie and Iran, Bush Sr and the contra, Bill and a BJ, Bush Jr and Iraq, Afghanistan. It started with Nixon and has gotten worse each cycle.

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When I was in the Air Force I was sent to Iran on TDY and helped train Iranian pilots here in the states. This was of course, when the Shah was still in power. It was my first experience in a repressive police state. As a result as have remained interested in Iranian affairs.Years later I made friends with an Iranian doctor. He grew up a few miles from the Desert One site. He said American planes were routinely flying in for months before the plane and helicopter crash. He added it was common knowledge that the US was flying personnel in and out at the time. He identified several types of US aircraft that were routinely seen on the ground. The Iranian side of the story is that the hostages were actually training the Iranians on operating radar and listening equipment which was monitoring the Russians. Neither side, for obvious domestic political reasons could admit this. I was and remain skeptical but I have never been able to disprove any if it either. Saleem said, when the planes and helicopters collided, it blew the covert operations cover, requiring a cover story of a rescue mission. He correctly noted that none of the hostages (as of that time) had ever written about their captivity, been widely interviewed or said much of anything publicly. A few years after the Desert One incident I happened to meet one of the Marines held in Iran and he would not really speak much about it. Which makes sense to me based on Saleems story. In summary, the story is the whole "hostage" situation was a set up by the US and Iranian government to transfer classified equipment to the Iranians and give them time to be trained in its use. Neither side could admit this so the hostage story was set up as cover. Once Reagan was pending inaugeration the Americans were returned due to both parties being afraid there would be leaks. I am not sure what the facts really are and the story seems far fetched but considering our governments predilection for lying to the public, I would not be surprised if it isn't true. For example Vietnam, Iraq and countless other situations.

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Geographically you are correct but culturally I am the rightful Emperor of the Universe

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The Iranian people are some of the friendliest, most likable people on earth. Their sense of humor is much like ours. They are also very proud that they have been among the most dominent centers of world power off and on for over 2,500 years.

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Carter was and is a decent and honorable man. He deserves respect for this alone from all Americans. But not many people who lived through the late 70's as adults would consider him much of a leader. Stagflation, oil and gas shortages were too much for him. He never was able to articulate any real response to these problems that anyone saw at the time.

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At the ripe old age of *ten* I knew the timing of that was shady AF

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And dumber... Nothing good can come from a group who are weirdly proud of how uneducated they are

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The regressives were always vile, yes. Vile and unquestionably evil. The difference now, I think, is that they didn't used to talk about democrats so viciously, so insultingly, in such vitriolic terms. Not publicly. No one was called a pederast; unfortunately even when they actually were. But now they will straight-up make shit up about us, they'll say just anything at all, they'll accuse us routinely of shocking and filthy things, and worst of all they will literally run down a list of all the very worst things that THEY are doing right now, and literally, specifically say that it's democrats who are doing it.

I mean, for fuck's sake, they are trying to outlaw us in Florida. It's like they spend all their time and energy trying to slander, malign, or pwn us, to the exclusion of all else. Because they got nothin else, obviously.

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You had me until the mention of Henry Wallace. Sorry, but I just don't think he would have handled the challenges of the postwar world as deftly as Harry Truman did, and I think FDR recognized that. He just didn't work well with Wallace at any rate.

Yes, Truman was far more of an "establishment" politician than Wallace. But I don't see that as necessarily a bad thing, especially when the postwar era demanded consensus, both within and outside the USA. I don't think Wallace could have built that consensus -- at least, not as well as Truman.

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Even in the days of Teddy Roosevelt they were called Progressives.

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That was always the knock on Carter. He always had decent instincts but would waver under pressure. He was a very intelligent, good man. But he just SEEMED to be an indecisive weakling whether he really was or not.

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Israel supplied Iran with parts to keep their F-14s flying for years.

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As were the Republicans who shoved him into office.

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Was he around back then, too? Damn.

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Yeah, that was also all caught up in the McCarthyites. They were obsessed with loyalty oaths, too. As long as you're forced to recite the correct formulas, you'll be patriotic, you know.

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And a lot more violent.

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