Jan 22·edited Jan 22

If only they spent as much time on other aspects of Jesus' teachings (of which avoiding porn wasn't one of them), such as "love one another" (TRULY love one another, not the Christian sort of "love"), "turn the other cheek", "for when you did to the least of these, you did to me" (talking about helping others, especially the needy, disenfranchised and under-privileged sort of others), and had superheroes actually championing such aspects, they might just be able to assemble (pun intended) an actual cast to rival the JLA or Avengers.

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This is so very weird.

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Not certain , I have ever seen anything stranger.

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That Kirk kid has never been quite right in the head. Sure never gunna shake hands with him.

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Sorry to tell you, Evan, but Jim Caveziel will undoubtedly play Colossal Man in the live action movie.

Charlie Kirk will be played by a shaved baboon as is tradition.

Mike Johnson will be played by a snowman with glasses on.

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This shit SOOOOOOO reminds me of all the 'ex-gay' guys who conquered their addiction to other men (You ever notice it's always ex-gay men, never lesbians?) and are 'cured' and if you join their ministry, you too, can be pure and free of the evil GAY!!!! Only to show up 3 years later with their new husband and telling everyone how sorry they are for scamming everyone........fucking douche nozzles......

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I ain't watching that and there's no way you can make me. I'm not interested in GOOD porn, let alone this BS.

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I watched but only with the sound off. I don't hate myself *that* much.

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Dude, did they intend for the homoerotic tones between Colossal Man and his "buddy"? Because holy shit you could cut that sexual tension with a knife.

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I think this is a common theme of what causes porn addiction in certain circles.

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Yanno, I've been pagan almost my whole adult life. And I don't believe I have ever *once* heard another pagan lament that they can't stop flogging the bishop (of which there aren't any in paganism). Surprising how belonging to a sex positive religion can do that for a person..

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Ta, Evan. If I were the FBI, I would want Covenant Eyes to hand over its user files. Lots of the wrong kind of hanky panky (a la the Duggars) on that list.

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So Colossal Man jerked off until he went blind?

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There certainly are people who spend way too much time watching porn. Like people who go to libraries to watch it on the community computers, or watch porn on their phones while riding the bus / train / Tesla. And that guy who was masturbating while Zooming with colleagues. Maybe if they spent more time with a sex worker they wouldn't have to stream it all the time. The rest of us can kind of control when and how often we watch porn.

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to hellllllllll with them all …

(but to whom do I refer)

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Maybe if Charlie released some of that pent up ummm.... "Kirkjuice", his ginormous head would deflate a little

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His ginormous heed is in inverse proportion to his other head......hence the supposed 'porn addiction'......dude......get a sex worker to help you AND YOUR MISS ARIZONA WIFE, 'cum to grip' with things.....

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Could someone please introduce me to a Republican who doesn't make sex weird constantly?

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Dog forbid they realize that sexual pleasure is completely normal and not something to be ashamed of. Think how much better off we'd be if we didn't have legions of these repressed and predatory (in many cases) right wing assholes around this country.

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"It’s about their new Colossal Man ad campaign and all how the conservative Christian dudes — including pastors! — can’t stop ruining all their socks every time they get on the worldwide web."

They really ought to get a good stroker

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