you know propane's for houses, it's not for men

they say propane'll kill ya but they don't say when

propane, propane, runnin' 'round my brain

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Looks like a couple of lines of White Maple. Good stuff. Really smooth. Earthy aftertones.

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I liked Beau's take on this photo: All those Republican/Fox talking heads who make endless claims about how "blue collar" they are, and don't even recognize sawdust when it's on a literal fucking * TABLE SAW*.


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And REALLY, does anyone here think Sean Hannity DOESN'T know what coke looks like?

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Remember when the Marines were showing off all the "bags and bags of coke" they found in Noriega's kitchen? Turned out to be masa.

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'He was cooking up yellow blow! Just being in the same room can kill a grown man!'

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I bet Hannity bought lots of oregano in his day.

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Surely if Hannity is a real journalist, he would do a line of sawdust and a line of cocaine on the air to show everyone the difference.

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Good lord. I have to mask up AND use a face shield whenever I'm working with red oak because that dust kicks off some horrible allergic reaction that leaves me in a covid-like state for about 48 hours. Took one look at that picture and my nostrils promptly slammed shut.

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I, too, do lines of primo flake off a circular saw table in a dusty woodshop.

Seriously. With the possible exception of restaurant staff, no blue collar person has so much as seen any cocaine.

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*gestures towards entire swaths of assorted contractors*

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Again, you need to show any of these people earns enough to support a habit

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i don't "need" to do any such thing. people who drive around in 6-figure King Ranches i assure you can support a habit you claim a restaurant worker can support with tips. we're talking basic 2nd grade level math here.

biggest coke heads i've known have been blue collar workers and none of them worked for tips slinging hash browns. do you think it *might* be possible that your lived experience in your specific locale might not be a universal experience that remains an unaltered uniform condition over the entire planet?

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Well, that's not exactly true....

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Really? What blue collar job pays enough to afford coke?

Only reason it was so prevalent in restaurants is people tipped well.

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Well, I was working as a waitress in a Denny's, had four roommates, and while we didn't do it on a regular basis, we certainly partook. My other roommates were construction workers.

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I mean, I just have great difficulty combining "coke" and "not on a regular basis".

Obviously not saying you're lying. My personal experience with hard drugs is slim to none.

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in that case it seems like maybe you shouldn't be chiming in and making declarative statements on topics you admit you are ignorant on?

(hint : doubling / tripling down will not magically make said statements true.)

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I mean, I was mostly joking. But to be fair, I don't really spend multiple grafs discussing my and otgers' cocaine consumption.

Like the man said, 99 problems...

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When we'd get together with friends for a party, for example. It was expensive enough that it wasn't a regular purchase.

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Literally walking around bragging on their inability to tell coke from sawdust.

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I see a new revenue stream opening up.

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𝘈𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘚𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺.

Forever and ever.

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It's all about dirtying up and tormenting Hunter Biden (and by extension, Joe) - truth doesn't matter.

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Nothin like doing some lines of sawdust to get the party started maaaaan...crazy shit!

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She don't ride?

Gonna have to add that to my misheard lyrics catalog.

One of my earliest.

🎶Fed up like a douche, another runner in the night 🎶

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Keith Ablow shows up twice today: He's quoted in the article from the rightwing journal Chris Rufo's connected with.


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And fuck Ted Cruz, too, Gary

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Checks notes: Hunter Biden not the president and neither is he employed in his administration. Please just stop with this show. It’s boring and repetitive.

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