A steaming pile of shit seems more intelligent at this point.

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Whoa, if true...MS just told Lady that 'crack' from Bannon - and he's right!

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Somebody bought Trump a T-shirt that has on it "The beatings will continue until morale improves" and he said, "Sounds like a good Latin America policy. Jared, get on this. You're not busy."

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Come now...be alliterative: "Peace through Poo"

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Or like Trump running a casino.

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What you have that you didn't have a year ago is about 75 pounds, a larger percentage of the world population that loathes you, and a greater chance that time or poor diet/exercise choices will rid us of you, you worthless tangerine-hued fuck of a human being.

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decent article on Trump:


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Kinda like that! Rehabbing the kitchen gives one something to live for:)

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Thanks. I'll raise a glass of rum as well as a toast. "Well, it was a good run. . . ."

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p.s. China is stepping up their game, everywhere the U.S. is leaving behind from cutting funding to UN security force to trade deals, China is filling in the gaps.

dumbfucks who voted for Trump basically just gave the world to China.

i hope you fucks like General Tso's Chicken, cuz that's what IS for dinner...dumbasses

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Just remember to send some of the blue helmets to the VP's residence. He worries me almost as much as the Orange Shitgibbon.

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What's left, that is, after what we've handed over to Russia. You know, dumbasses are what you get when you abandon geography in public school and use taxpayer $$ to fund home-schooling in support of our theocratic kleptocracy.

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And Kafka responds "Yes!!"

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Major General Wile E. Coyote at your service.

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This has been a long game by conservatives. The "liberal teachers are indoctrinating our youth in public schools" was projection just as everything else.

An uneducated populace is much easier to control (or bamboozle).

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And don't forget that the true savior was a brave and daring Soviet submarine officer. We fucking lucked out. Don't bet on that happening again.

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