I have a 21 yo and a baby. Not ready for grandkids yet though. (Runs from room shrieking.)

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Wonkleaders, have you ever considered some kind of raffle? I.e. something small, like I could buy/donate a Wonkette goody bag (baseball caps, etc) and then you could sell $1 raffle tickets and make MORE moneyzz AND someone who can't afford it can have The Products! Or, a silent auction where we donate all the things, and then we bid on all the things. Also if you could get a p.o. box or some such, we could send you coupons for office supplies or what-have-you and or gift cards which would at least help with SOMETHING. ALSO come to L.A. and we can have a BAKE SALE! I will make my extra-good delicious not-at-all-fattening-okay-I-am-lying chocolate chip cookies!!!!

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I generally do donation begining of the month, but for this month I will kick in an extra in your honor. Sort of like a petition under a Mary statue only with money and to Wonkette.Keep your chin up, Comrade.

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You are under horrendous stress and are STILL strong and brave enough to write this beautifully-written and thought-out essay. You are also the passive victim of the abuse visited on your mom by your grandfather. Take a deep breath and realize how strong and good you are. You haven't run away, you've determinedly stayed and been determined to help, and you have helped. You're a good person and please pat yourself on the back.

Now, sincere help, which other wonketeers have also pointed out. 1. Disability for your mom. If she won't file for it, please understand you can't control her, and recognize that it's her, not you, and you have the right to swim AWAY from the sinking boat. In fact you help her more if you take care of yourself first, rather than letting the boat drag you down. 2. Where do you live? Most states and municipalities, as well as the Federal Government, still have quite a few services available to you and to your family. Let us know where in the country you are and we can help you find them. 3. As BJW says, absolutely, 100% check out food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, and apply for all of them, even if just for yourself. 4. There are actually some small ways to make money by providing assistant services on the internet--not high paying, but enough to put food on the table. Check out sites aimed at Stay At Home Moms and Dads, buy the supermarket rag "Woman's World," check out some of the sites here-- for example, with your skills, you might be able to make money as a proofreader, etc. http://www.kiplinger.com/ar...https://www.thepennyhoarder...5. Similarly, sites like the pennyhoarder will give tips about saving money, etc. --again it helps make ends meet.6. Finally, just my personal two cents. One of the things I'm hearing is that you're sort of trapped in your parents' world and your parents' viewpoint and even your parents' view of your role in life, and that you're still actually very young at 33. You say "we," but you're talking about "THEM"-- your parents' bad decisions and irresponsibility. I urge you to try to think of what's best for YOU. It's not a child's responsibility to fix their parents, especially when the parents have kind of abdicated their responsibility as parents. You have the right to live your own life. Try to put yourself more to the forefront; use your time and energy to look for a job for yourself, to improve your skills with free online classes, even just to get out and socialize. I know it's tough--I grew up with terribly overbearing parents and I was 30 before I really began to be able to pull away from them, and they fought it hook line and sinker--even in her 90s, when I, in my 60s, was taking care of her, my mom would still occasionally waspishly blurt something about how I just had to get away from her didn't I. (I'd pleasantly tell her she was right, I should have spent my life living with her, and never left, and to her credit, she'd laugh.) But it's so much better if you can. Try at least to take some small steps in that direction, you truly will feel better. And if it's hard to step away without feeling guilty, remind yourself that by being strong and independent, and getting a good job, you actually will be able to help them much more. Good luck. Let people help you. Including us.

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I like your idea about a raffle, but I still think Wonkette should become a church, and not pay any taxes. Donna Rose will be our high priestess, naturally.

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Take this with a grain of salt beautiful, but what you are describing is beyond just "people suck" introversion. I say that as an introvert who struggled for years with social anxiety.

In addition, I have an internet presence and am building a media brand. I do it under a pseudonym for many of the reasons you mention, but even so, the haters mostly ignore me.

Please consider offering your editing and writing skills via upwork, freelancer, etc. The ability to write clearly and concisely is not common.

And please, dsm is no shame.

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Our Editrix, who art in the Cloud,hallowed be thy Name, thy Wonkdom come, thy will be done, IRL as it is online.

Give us this day our daily Dick Jokes,And forgive us our comments, as we forgive thosewho comment against us.

And lead us not into MGOW links,but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Wonkdom,and the Wonkbaby, and the Grandbaby for ever and ever. Amen.

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I start a new job next week after a summer of not working, which normally woule be nice, except I'm in Texas where the fucking heat is worse than the cold of North Dakota and Minnesota (I spent 40 years up there) so I'm looking forward to using someone else's a/c.

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I can tell you if you give money to Wonkette every month (EZ PAY MINT PLAN) , hot women will want to have sex in your backyard.

Whatcha thinking about? 😀https://media3.giphy.com/me...

The more you know

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~Deathbull( ) Is dead? Well then Long llve Deathbull( )

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Everybody poops babies.

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Oh yeah? I donated to Wonkette and Jean Luc Picard delivered a cupcake to my front door. It had sprinkles.

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Eh, not gonna pray. Gonna throw extra money at Wonkette face instead, for you, as a salute to you and your efforts.ETA: done. Good luck, exinkwretch.

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OK,OK I PAID UP OK/??///????? Jeez. You're just lucky that Donna Rose, our once and future ruler, has such a commanding presence. You would be less likely to have the upper hand otherwise.

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