What is 51% of losing?

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Who was it who bought cheap crap toys and broke your chillens' hearts?

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He would have swallowed but the noose forced him to dribble it all down his chin, to the great delight of a flea.

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Ta, MM. It's a Klown Kar Krash, but sometimes clowns are funny.

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I don't believe you.

Does she have a name?

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aw shit with all em basically running in this already crowded field, i betcha we get a 3 pony race in 2024....the dems, the repubs, and whatever made up party trump is running under, the MAGA'ers....i dunno.

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That was exactly my thought reading the transcript. I’m dying for a journalist to ask, “can you identify one such support for women facing a crisis pregnancy in any of the states that have banned or restricted abortion?” And then ask it again when they get a word salad deflection. And then ask it again.

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If he lives that long.

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It might have helped a bit if his parents hadn't been Fred and Mary Trump.

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Pussies. Republicans regularly threaten liberals' families, and we still tell them to fuck off and keep fighting.

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Wasn't he in Children of A Lesser God?

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If you can disregard the constant whining, Trump reading Fox News for shit is entertaining.

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I enjoy listening to Christie take shots at Trump, but he totally lost me at "Joe Biden, in my opinion, Jon, is an awful president. And we can't afford to have him from age 82 to 86 in the White House or even worse have Kamala Harris assume the presidency." GFY.

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There was an internal hallway leading from the lobby of the Ohio Secretary of State's office back to the Administration Division, where all the bigwigs hung out. One wall was blank, white panels, the other floor-to-ceiling windows looking into the Business Services Division, where businesses operating in the state registered.

J. Kenneth Blackwell filled that blank wall with every plaque he received for every speaking engagement that awarded him such a thing, three rows stretching the entire length of the hall.

He also put an oversized head and shoulder shot of himself in every division. The eyes followed you around the room.

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Maybe all the billionaires get together and pick Republican presidential contenders, like fantasy football.

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Yes. The fact that Biden is only 3 or 4 years older thanTrump hasn't stopped Fox in the least of making Biden's age a big issue. They just ignore Trump's age, like they do all inconvenient facts.

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