Unions. Unions! Unions!!!

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But then we have to get people to pay attention to how RCV works-- people who don't think about the elections until the week of. And, of course, the losers. I can hear the howls now.

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Johnson: more police batons!

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Can't have the unwashed proletariat ganging up on the helpless bourgeoisie, now can we?

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Stop resisting!

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Who do you respect most?

Ms. Kotek, because she's MAD WITH POWER

Good comeback from Kotek, not enough to overcome the lethagy, but very good!

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BS - Oregon loves wonks!

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At the very least, Oregon will have a female governor, even if that person is the Amy Coney Barret of Phyllis Schlafleys

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Bend over and spread um

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We had Susana Martinez. That sucked. Woman or no, still a Republican. SEE Kim Reynolds, Kristi Noem

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Soooo close. A simple 'damn right' would have knocked it out of the park.

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Tina is the Al Gore of 2000

Can’t win by playing all sides

Gotta come out as yourself and sellThe people your vision

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Heh. Le mot juste.

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Liz Truss, the fascist in Italy...

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Okay kids, I'm gonna reset the time of this post so's it's in the second spot on the homepage, and in about 30 minutes I'll close the comments, too. Your Open Thread is still Liz's story on Donald Trump's special midterms grift.

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That is not a comforting thought, really.

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