Quick reminder that Mitch McConnell's actual constituents are not Kentucky plainfolks, who presumably earn less than $100 million a year.

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What a conundrum. What it takes to win a Republican primary is the exact same thing that dooms you to failure in a general election. What a conundrum.

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Only presents a problem if you have a thing for consistency.

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They say the devil's in the details, and you know how those people feel about Satan.

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I stand by what I said. They have no problem with making conflicting statements with a straight face and a sincere tear trembling photogenically in the corner of an eye.

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Sigh. The patter is so lame, so predictable, and so juvenile.

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So cringe

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If McConnell were not such a horrible person, I could almost (barely) feel sorry for him. Go home and stay there, dude.

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Why is that the people who whine the loudest about cancel culture always have a list longer than Hunter Biden’s dick of people they want to cancel, permanently?

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β€œI know you guys are obsessed with pronouns these days,” Cameron said, bashing Beshear for vetoing a hateful anti-trans bill. β€œBut come November, yours are going to be: has and been.” Those aren’t even pronouns.

These guys really need to get a second joke

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Actually, they’re the ones who are obsessed with pronouns.

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I know, right? Are there any republicans who haven’t told a variation of that joke yet?

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Ta, Stephen. Glad you called off the search party.

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Wait, Cameron is a Black guy? I’ll bet he doesn’t drive alone in a small town. Not in Kentucky.

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What Aldean obviously means is "Don't try that in a sundown town," but the record label would have balked, so he made the nearest possible equivalent and used a let's-go-Brandon-style dog-whistle euphemism. But Cameron doesn't get it.

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I think Cameron gets it. Which makes his pandering to racists disgusting.

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At least not the β€˜better’ neighborhoods.

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He hires Viggo Mortenson drive him through Kentucky.

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I keep reading it as Fantasy Farm, which is probably more accurate.

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Aug 8, 2023Β·edited Aug 8, 2023

I was reading it as β€œFunny Farm.”

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I’m from just north of Kentucky, I’m hoping it’s more of a Fantasy Island.

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Aug 8, 2023Β·edited Aug 8, 2023

*Fancy* Farm? Isn't that kinda geh?

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Aug 8, 2023Β·edited Aug 8, 2023

'not just because he’s 81, which is middle-aged for the Senate..'

Is 80 the new 40? Asking for a friend...

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Chuck Grassley? That you?

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I'd like to think so, because that would make me a young'un (for the Senate.)

But I'm not in the Senate, so I'm still An Old.

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The Kentucky Distillers Association is a major donor to McConnell. So if you buy American whiskey, remember there are several fine options made in Colorado, Oregon, and NY

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Washington State also too.

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and, indeed, in CA. Venus Spirits in Santa Cruz does several fine whiskeys, as well as St. George in Alameda. Sonoma Distilling does a Cherrywood Smoked Bourbon that is delicious....

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Try out Koval, here in Chicago

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Tucson's Whiskey Del Bac is among the best I've ever tasted. They have a mesquite smoked whiskey that's amazing.

Fuck KY Republicans sans lube

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Good sentiments all around! I’ll have to try that mesquite smoked whiskey.

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This warms the cockles of my heart.

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or, as Dennis Leary used to say, the sub-cockle area.

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Just how many cockles does your heart have?

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

I hate McConnell with the heat of a thousand burning suns, but at least he appears to be the adult Republican in the room. Does my heart good to have him booed, but I’m terrified at who might end up running for his seat when the time comes. Vote blue!

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A person that wouldn’t have the Senate under his thumb with an encyclopedic knowledge of how to use procedure to fuck over everyone, I’d presume

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Aug 8, 2023Β·edited Aug 8, 2023

Massie, the idiot savant.

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I am from KY and though I have lived elsewhere (CA, FL, NY) I've been back many years living here. In the big city that is, and we city folk are made fun of by our rural brethren. You know the drill.

Fancy Farm is pretty fun, last I went was 2019 when Andy first ran for Gov., I was working for Beshear campaign then.

At Fancy Farm politicos can fly their freak in a picnic like atmosphere. Every speaker gets shouted down when they speak.....except...Heather French Henry didn't back in '19, but anyway...

In 2019, the "Moscow Mitch" chant really got under his skin. Some people were wearing fur hats in August with Moscow Mitch on them, quite the hit that year, but we got stuck with him again anyway in 2020.

So Mitch, and most all of the candidates are more than used to getting shouted down during their speeches there, that is nothing unusual and for him to just keep reading his speech is par for the course. Except that.....he really did look bad, feeble, old. Couldn't even get one zinger in this year.

Cameron is his guy though, another one of those young, inexperienced numb nuts he likes to put on the courts and anywhere he can in KY lege. Cameron is terrible, an embarrassment to all. But make no mistake, this should be, in a normal world, an easy win for Andy, but it won't be. This is one of Mitch's last possible "fuck you" to Kentucky and its citizens that he has used and abused for over 3 decades to garner the power he has amassed.

Fancy Farm is a long tradition and may it go one for years to come, it's kind of silly, but fun if you go. I wanted to go down just to shout down James Comer for being the moron he is, but it's nearly a 4 hour drive from here and I had other things to do.

The BBQ is pretty damn good though, I missed that.

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Truly though, this is just the Trumplikkkins finally taking over the Kentucky GOP from Mitch and the good ole boys.

Makes you wonder if they'll take down the Confederate Flag in the clubhouse and put up an alter to the Stupid Orange Bhudda.

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Aug 8, 2023Β·edited Aug 8, 2023

I am more or less from Kentucky and hearing that pig phucker getting all butt hurt because Governor Andy is posing with people who make fun of nuns is just a little strange to my ears. I imagine all it took for Republicans to quit hating the Catholics was the idea that a Democrat might go along with making fun of them. (Diddling the alter boys aside, mind you).

For most of my life I've heard that Catholics ain't real Christians. I'm beginning to think it's the evangelicals who wouldn't know Christ if he raised one of them from the dead.

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Evangelicals need to go back and read that book of theirs some more.

Thousands of verses about helping the poor, Feed the hungry, and welcome the STRANGER. Rich man, eye of needle etc.

Trump can’t be their hero if they are truly devout believers.

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Yeah, but the only really important part is the Second Amendment.

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Which Book in the Bible is that 2nd amendment in? Their Savior Trump has a dubious relationship with the Almighty. By their own standards. Cults and con men.

And the republican electorate so easily amused and abused.

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They'd accuse him of being DEMON.

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I grew up not far from there and Fancy Farm used to be heavily Catholic.

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In Greenup County I'm not sure we had many at all, I don't even recall a Catholic High School off the top of my head, whereas in Cincinnati I can give you two dozen without thinking, all east of I-75.

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Yeah. It was settled by catholics and there are like four or five parishes within a few miles of each other. There’s like a huge (really huge) fish fry the first Friday of lent and…yeah, it’s a thing.

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