It occurs to me that the law is also fundamentally paternalistic - despite being written with the best of intentions. It denies the agency of an individual parent because the is a larger group impacted by that decision (the tribe). But, not matter how you parse it, it's still White people telling native Americans what they can and can't do.

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The self-righteous moronic Steinbots were simply Putin tools. They, like their brethren who voted for Nader, are used like a cheap mule every election cycle and they don't even notice. They continue to joyfully wallow in their self-righteousness. They have the same level of emotional intelligence as the Trumpkins and Teabillies. They just bend left. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I always loved that.

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I did indeed watch the video, and a guy who is flogging 9-12 year olds for sex slaves and lopping off hands to force tribute is someone I feel comfortable calling pretty fucking evil. YMMV.

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'Build a wall and make Siberia pay for it!'

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There's gotta be some good news and silver linings in all this. After all; WE THE PEOPLE outnumber the wingnuts! When's the Karma and Law of Return kicking in?

About the Indigamericans; The Bad Guys shouldn't be winning this much against the good Indigenous People! When will the cosmos reward the Indigenous people?

It makes no sense! When does part two, when the Natives fight back and win, start?

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Err,Umm,There are plenty of examples of chav white kids being left in terrible situation until too late and the explanation after is not fuck up, but lack of time for case management, ie funding. MSM likes to describe it as a fuck up and demand rules be changed because the alternative is spending more on child welfare.So yes, funding and resourcing is inadequate.Also, please don't use intervention it has been tainted by the RWNJ program of the same name to dehumanise remote welfare recipients using the Basics card.

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when I think about how much I loathe Paxton, all the blood pressure pills in the world won't be enough.

to call this vaguely humanoid colostomy bag garbage or scum would be an insult to both.

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It's the new Republican "civility". Don't be slow. You'll be left behind during The Rupture.

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Diversity is strength!

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Much as they hate it, we're all immigrants. Mankind did not evolve in the Americas, but arrived via that land bridge, or a coastal route, during the last Ice Age. We're just quibbling about details.Some immigrants (for instance the Trumps) just got here a lot later than the first ones.

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Consider the Navajo Code Talkers. They were forbidden to speak their own language in the Indian Schools, but it was their ability to speak a linguistic isolate that contributed mightily to the US victory in the Pacific. If their language had actually been wiped out, as was the plan, this would not have worked at all.

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No, just white for the first time. Native Americans and slavery predated the United States.

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If more bishops had been thrown off more mesas it would be a good thing.

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One of the (many) things I appreciate about New Mexico is that since the Spanish colonized first, they concentrated on converting, not exterminating, the locals. Which is why we have pueblos dating back to the 12th century. Unfortunately, the Spanish also wiped out a number of pueblos by war and disease. But the original locals are still here. To the despair of the later Anglos; but when the US acquired NM it had to abide by earlier treaties. Not that they didn't try to get out of them (the Long Walk of the Navajo, for instance) but nevertheless the locals persisted. This makes us a 3-culture state, which is far more interesting.

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They all immigrated from Asia anyhow. A really long time ago. Sigh.

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