World Naked Gardening Day (W.N.G.D.) the abbreviation is of course pronounced wanged.

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Sister, your cat appears to be ready to read my tarot in that pic!

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I've been living in the same spot for almost 40 years now - yes, I'm a stick in the mud. In NW Oregon, along the Columbia River.

40 years ago I'd mow my lawn for the last time in mid August, would never need to mow it again until next spring, around Mid may.

Now I mow my lawn for the last time in FUCKING GODDAMN NOVEMBER YOU FUCKS. No not you guys are the FUCKS, I'm talking about Exxon/Chevron/BPOIL... etc.

Also, now I had to mow my lawn in EARLY MOTHERFUCKING APRIL YOU FUCKS. No, not you guys are the FUCKS, I'm talking about Exxon/Chevron/BPOIL.... etc.

Fucking goddamn motherfucking dickwad, dirt sucking, momma hating, ignorant dumbass, head up their own ass, sucking ass, bastards. We're all going to burn because a few motherfuckers wanted to get rich.

Fuck me.

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I'm down in Eugene and have noticed the same thing. I'll just add: my HOA can go fuque themselves.

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This reminds me of a book by Lewis Grizzard, "Don't bend over in the garden Granny, them taters got eyes."

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Alternatively, Zora Neale Hurston: "Their Eyes Were Watching Scrod."

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I wonder if Naked Gardening Day was inspired by Stephen King's Lawnmower Man.

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I recently learned about the Beach Boys remastered lyric to cover Kent State /and/ Jackson State.

"The violence spread down South to where Jackson State brothers

Learned not to say nasty things about Southern policemen's mothers

Nothing much was said about it and really next to nothing done

The pen is mightier than the sword, but no match for a gun"


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I guess anyone who objects to Naked Gardening Day is just a stick in the mud.

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Just a bad apple.

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I'm gonna suggest that anyone who creates a naked gardening day has never actually gardened XD

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so this is gonna make me look like an idiot, and I don’t really care. I’m cool with that because I was an idiot, and I’m now trying to do better.

I caught a YouTube video about a cat that was found and they said the cat had a chip, but it was unreadable. And then I saw another one. It said the same thing, and I thought OK this is kind of a thing. Serendipity had an appointment this morning at the vet for her monthly Selensia shot, get her ears looked at, etc. Well, she was there, and I asked the technician to put a chip scanner on her and make sure it was still readable. She did so, and got the number, and then checked it. And she said the chip never been registered.

So. Around 15 years of misplaced confidence. I got her registered while I was waiting for the vet to turn up. And I asked them to look up the numbers for the younger girls, and when they get those to me, I will do the same with these two.

So here is my PSA: do not trust the assumption that everything has been taken care of, even if somebody said they were going to take care of it. It’s too important. Some people choose not to chip, and that’s not what this is about. for those of you who have made that choice, please consider ensuring that it will function as designed.

And now return you to your regularly scheduled Caturday programming. Also, here’s a picture of serendipity after she got home from the vet. She immediately went to lay down on the bottom step, awaiting her fate in resignation.


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I had great plans for naked gardening today but sadly it is raining.

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PSA: Do not garden while naked if there is any Poison Oak or Poison Ivy in proximity. Do not ask me why I know this.

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I prefer lawngerie. A little mystery.

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I dunno nothing 'bout nekkid gardening.

But I remember long time ago when we got some news, sports, markets, weather, tee vee, movies, cartoons, jobs, houses, cars and smarty pants folks telling us stuffs in these things called 'newspapers.'

(Google it kids)

This lady Ann Landers started a kerfuffle when she printed a letter from a lady that said she did her housework in the nude. Saved on laundry, just felt easier. Had to shower anyway afterward.

You would have thought she was the Queen of Sodom and Gomorrah with the backlash!

Ann would keep us up to date on responses. The pro nudes finally won out I think.

These were wild and wooly times! (pun intended)

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If memory serves, Landers only recommended that the homemaker wear an apron while frying anything. Also, include me on team naked housework. No clothing to dirty up and sweat through, greater freedom of movement.

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Every time I work in the garden, I manage to bruise, scrape, or cut myself. Hard pass.

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I grew up on a farm. For all those who didn't and romanticize the life, it's hard and dirty.

I no longer garden, naked or otherwise.

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"hard and dirty"? Were you making pron movies?

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51 F and pouring rain here in the SF Bay Area, I think naked gardening today might lead to hypothermia.

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I did do a little gardening today, but fully clothed. To the disappointment of _nobody_, lol

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