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do people with dicks have peri.... you know what, i'll just stop there

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50's my ass! How come I recogniz...um..never mind.

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Speaking of laws being broken:

WASHINGTON — While serving as transportation secretary during the Trump administration, Elaine Chao repeatedly used her office staff to help family members who run a shipping business with extensive ties to China, a report released Wednesday by the Transportation Department’s inspector general concluded.The inspector general referred the matter to the Justice Department in December for possible criminal investigation. But in the weeks before the end of Trump administration, two Justice Department divisions declined to do so.

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hilariously they forgot to do that with the 2020 Republican platform. they just kept it the same as 2016. so there are lots of references to the President (meaning Obama) that were now being applied to Trump. actually seemed much more accurate.

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But the policy decisions Joe made in 2017, when some company "associated with" Hunter got more than a million bucks from a Chinese energy company! That might be loose change to Republicans, but it was a fortune for a bunch of bog Irishmen. The policy decisions were so damaging to America, you've never seen anything like it! Comer is determined to find out how a private citizen could make so many really bad policy decisions.

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Yes, for a moment I thought that was what he was talking about when he said, "we’re going to have countries like China that are going to come in and buy off relatives of high-ranking government officials." But then I remembered he's from the Upside-Down and doubtless would tie himself into knots trying to show that anything she did was a-okay and strictly on the up-and-up.

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Readability is important when you're trying to communicate, that's not pedantry, that's common sense.

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The Logan act is in play, I suppose.

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Pretty good for a beginner!

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Somebody has to say it, so it might as well be me. James Comer has an epically-punchable face.

He’s so damn smug in his ignorance.

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I say: "Two. Billion."

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And a new infrastructure bill and a better health care bill in about two weeks or so, also....not holding my breath on any of this nonsense. Welcome to the Republican Stupidverse!

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Get down on it!You know you want it!


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