Comer's brain is still a freshman in high school playing gotcha on people.

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That's a cool truck. Just sayin'

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It's a penis-extender.

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Is there a person in this country who has not eaten dinner off of a China plate? We are all ChiCom agents!

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"three payments of $1,380"

So not only is Joe Biden unquestionably an influence peddler, he's a *really* cheap date.

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Cut Representative Ralph Wiggum a break, he's trying!

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Ralph Wiggum libelz!!

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The children are right to laugh at you, Ralph. These things couldn't cut butter.

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It's the scare quotes around the word "truck" that makes that NewMax headline a work of art.

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We really need David Lynch or a new Fellini to make the film of our era.

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"Other expenses listed in the email verified by The Post included payments for health insurance, college and high school tuition for Hunter Biden’s children, the Yale Club and a storage unit."

Well at long last we have the answer to "Whar Boxes?!?!?" - check the storage unit guys!

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It's beyond ludicrous that they're going through all these well documented financial records when the speaker of the house has NO BANK ACCOUNT!

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The smart money went with Beanie Babies long ago.

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A little doll of Evan Hurst (not a Voodoo one) sits atop our Christmas tree. Oh wait, no, it’s a gold bird. But you get the idea.

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They chose him for a reason. That reason is because Devin Nunes isn’t available. It’s not without careful consideration. They need someone with just the right amount of stupid. Someone willing to huff their own farts and believe in it. Comer is finding nothing but typical family loans carefully documented, which is the only thing that’s interesting. Many families loan money to each other. Most don’t document it as well. We know Hunter capitalized on his family name. That activity isn’t illegal even for Hunter, let alone Joe, who is guilty of aggravated fatherhood.

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You can loan people money but if they pay you back then you benefitted directly.”


Does this mean that the GOP is gonna do away with the ceiling limit dohickey since we do not have to pay it back, apparently?

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Actually, unless there is interest involved, lending money and being paid back later means you LOSE money due to inflation.

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It's true! Ford loaned me enough money to buy my truck, and I'm paying them back with money I get from Social Security. Not only is Ford benefiting, but they must also be welfare cheats because gummint money!

PS: It's an interest-free loan!

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Paying back loans is unlegal. Says so right there in the Bible which is above all Generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, which The Trump Organization knows nothing about so everything is okay except for Biden Crime Family (NYSE:BCF).

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Republican committee members confront Hunter Biden about his truck. "Boy. What's a feller from Del-a-wahr doin' with a truck?"


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Not just any truck, either. The Ford Raptor is the Border Patrol's favorite vehicle. They own lots of 'em.

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So, Hunter took a valuable piece of equipment designed to keep our southern borders safe from the marauding hordes and used it for what? Gallivantin' around on his drug-fueled sex binges? There oughta be a law.

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Nonono, you have it all wrong! He uses the truck to assist in border ops!

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So, a patriot.

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Hunting for the real laptop, or something.

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"James Comer’s investigation has revealed that Joe Biden bought Hunter a truck and Hunter eventually paid him back for the payments he fronted."


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This.... Makes no sense whatsoever. Dafuq?!?

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Forget it, Fred, Republicans are dipshits who could not make sense if you gave them a change purse.

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As someone alive at the time, I remember when Bill Clinton was impeached for something that had nothing to do with the original reason the Republicans investigated him for, and that didn't exactly work out for them as far as limiting Clinton's re-election chances. The Biden impeachment may turn out to entirely backfire on them. Not for their base or their number one client, but with scores of independents, who they will need in 2024.

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Of course Joe benefited by lending money to Hunter so Hunter could get that new truck!

It's obvious Joe went down to his garage one day and found that Hunter had "borrowed" the Sting Ray and raced it to the weekly orgy and had returned it with some paint damage!

It makes sense to just get the kid into another set of wheels so he can't keep fucking up Joe's favorite car.

Of course it would have been cheaper to just buy more padlocks. But Joe ain't a Republican for very good reasons.

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