Comer keeps throwing around phrases like “influence peddling” like it’s a very dark, scary, sinister enterprise. It’s basically lobbying. Hunter sat on boards because he had the VP and later potus in his speed dial, and daddy loves him and WILL PICK UP. Not only is this game about making the act of trading on your family name somehow unsavory, even unethical, but I think for small people like Comer, it’s about jealousy. Comer and his ilk are jealous that people pay money for proximity to the Bidens. That EATS them up inside.

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Did all their daddies hate them so they hate Joe for being such an excellent father?

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Bingo. Got it in one.

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That loan repayment came in 2018 when Joe Biden was a (checks notes) PRIVATE CITIZEN.

Eat shit indeed, James Comer.

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Republicans get confused about the idea of someone loving their brother or their son. Most of them are like Paul Gosar and Rafael Cruz. All of their immediate family members hate their guts.

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They're working Comer like a pair of jumper cables at a Kentucky wedding. Whew, this is hard damn work trying trying find Hunter's weener. How come it was so easy to find Clinton's blow jobs?

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S1E1 of House was a patient with a tapeworm in her brain after eating some ham that contained tapeworm eggs. Maybe Comer has tapeworms. Maybe someone should x-ray his leg.

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they would probably impeach Jimmy Carter like 4000 times for the mere existence of Billy Beer.

i have a feeling they find this all so "criminal" because it is *completely alien* to them that you might want to help out family members in need. simply can't grasp the concept because every aspect of their lives is indeed wholly transactional. you don't help family because they are family but because you want to get something out of them. they are antisocial weirdos. (and/or because their families fucking loath them.)

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this is one of those chicken/egg questions, isn't it?

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In addition to not showing anything illegal in what Joe Biden did, They have not shown that his brother did anything illegal. And other than not paying taxes and lying on a gun application, they have shown nothing illegal in anything Hunter has done. If trading on your last name and potential connections for profit is illegal, Paul Ryan and dozens of other retired or defeated politicians serving on corporate boards, lobbying firms, or PACs and pulling in big bucks should be in trouble too. Why would a major corporation hire Paul Ryan? For his political connections and insider contacts on legislative activity. While Hunter should not have taken that post at Barisma for ethical reasons tied to his father, it was not illegal, and as a 40 something adult, there was nothing Joe Biden could do to stop him. If he had any control over him Hunter would not have become addicted to drugs.

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"If trading on your last name and potential connections for profit is illegal..."

The Trump failsons and Ginni Thomas, on lines 1 and 2.

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"Eat fucking shit" is the name of my Ted Nugent cover band.

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I'm starting to think that the whole purpose of the GQP investigations is to find out why Hunter's cracked out penis is so much better than the Nazi Superman penis of their leader Defendant Trump.

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I’m so glad Trump never did anything like this- personal loan to a brother. Imagine for a moment if Joe hired his family and gave them high-level cabinet positions. Then, he opens The Handsome Joe Hotel, and charges the Feds for huge blocks of rooms. Then, he invites his favorite global allies to visit and frequent his hotel and restaurants. Then he leases his own buildings to the Federal Gov. Then he flies Marine 1 all over the country and world to play golf on taxpayers’ dime. GOP good with that?

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Second twangy verse, same as da first. Everyone, yes you too, makes “money” off of “name.” Who you are, your position in a company, what value you bring, that’s what “payment” is for. Is there a single potus family in the past 50 years that did NOT end up wealthy because of that potus position of power? I’m not saying it’s wholesome or respectable. But RFK Jr is wealthy and famous, somehow. That somehow is spelled “K……y”. Fer fruck sake even Tucker Carlson called on Hunter Biden to write a letter of support for his snotnosed kid so he could get into a fancy school for boys whose parents know Hunter Biden. Joe Biden has family who capitalize on their famous name. We can have many discussions about expanding the Hatch Act and nepotism laws that guard against the appearance of pay-to-play. But Joe Biden made an interest free loan. He got paid back the principal. His brother’s deal to direct business to a healthcare company is legal. So enough already, elect a Speaker and introduce some gun restrictions or expand Medicare already. Help people.

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you know how, when you have a job you really don't want to do, but you HAVE to anyway, you keep finding other tasks that are much easier? And if you find enough distractions, you can keep putting off the tough job day after day, while still feeling good about getting those other things done?

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Excuse me, my ADHD and I are feeling very seen right now.

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I certainly do. Sounds like my daily life.

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The Hatch Act? That sounds familiar. Oh - wait - I got it! It's that thing the Trump administration routinely violated!

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Yup. Trump turned the Oval Office into his personal online business. He hired his kids. He rented his own businesses to himself and the secret service. He enriched and enriched and enriched. Can you just imagine for a moment if Biden opened the Hotel Handsome Joe and started charging the Federal Government $500 a night, per room, for blocks and blocks of rooms? Trump was a czar, a kingpin and a mobster. He’s under 4 indictments for nearly 100 felony counts. And Joe Biden made a short-term loan to his brother, a private citizen…in 2018. The magnitude of the GOP’s hypocrisy is astounding and impossible to comprehend.

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i still can't believe the fucking beans were an actual thing. besides everything else wrong with it... it was just so low-rent and *tacky*. can you even imagine Ashley Biden doing a Price Is Right model pose with fucking canned beans?! and then meeting with the German chancellor like she was an equal?! so GD cringey and embarrassing.

(i couldn't imagine it because i literally had no idea what Ashley Biden even looked like until i just googled it. forgot her name even honestly.)

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Strangely, Comer never seems to elaborate beyond "influence-peddling" or "shady financial dealings" when describing the "crime." Don't you need to show proof of the influence peddling and shady financial dealings before you try and prove somebody else's guilt by association? My sister has some shady financial dealings in the past, but I don't think I can be indicted for them. Even if somebody kept saying it over and over again.

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This is what it always was, a chance to jangle shiny objects and scary innuendo-sounding words like “influence peddling.” You could also call it “lobbying,” or “consulting,” jobs for rich republicans and their many family members. Everyone’s family, especially politicians’, benefit from their power and political affiliations and influence. If Joe Biden did not offer to influence policy on the sly in exchange for money or valuable trinkets, this is all about talking shit about a Democratic potus and nothing else. They have thousands of bank records going back years. The best they have is an interest-free loan to a brother paid back in full within a few weeks. Yawn. Republicans have an entire year to keep this up. I’m guessing it hurts them far more than their innocent target, who simply goes about his job every day.

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"If Joe Biden did not offer to influence policy on the sly in exchange for money or valuable trinkets"....IF? If the whole Treason Party of Traitorous Grifters and Putin Lackeys had ANY honesty left, we would not be where we are today, with the Federal government about to be shut down, the House of Representatives choking on its own vomit, and a failed ex-President facing indictments without end.

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I also don't seem to see anyone in the media talking about how Biden handed over those thousands of pages of financial records without even needing to be subpoenaed. Meanwhile, any congressional subpoenas for Trump's many financial documents was met with "fuck you, make me" and endless lawsuits. The House had to spend years in court just to see his fucking tax returns.

One of these things is what a guilty man does, and it isn't Joe Biden.

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"Shady" financial dealings are basically just everyday financial dealings that someone (looking at you, Comer!) adds an adjective to.

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You'd think that a guy like Larry Kudlow, who has struggled to overcome his own personal demons, would not enable Comer who is obviously under the influence of something.

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There is a reason that Biden is unconcerned with these investigations. He knows he hasn't done anything wrong.

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pretty sure he has no problem getting a good nights sleep each and every night since this farce started. bet he didn't even paint a single wall of the White House in Heinz either.

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Comer got Hunter by the penis.

He gon' tug on that penis and tug on that penis and tug on that penis until everything comes out! Ya hear?

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"Y'all hear?" FTFY.

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