Pretty much.

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For him maybe we could make an exception and then go back to the rule of law..

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They've been stymied for the last decade or so in attacking, arresting, harrassing, and generally destroying the lives of people in the LGBTQ+ community. They've found that the incredibly conservative and atavistic African churches were ripe and the populations they influenced were easily convinced to attack and destroy gays. Even Conservative congregations of the Anglican church in the USA have started to affiliate with the very conservative African church. Desmond Tutu seemed to have been the exception. Overall African churches, both Protestant and Catholic provide very fertile ground for the hate preached by American Evangelicals. These are literally American churches exporting terrorism and directly training terrorists by their missionaries. They're being played and now believe they're doing God's work.

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We could wait an hour or two, just to make sure.

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Yes. I don’t see any other reason for it.

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Schlapping schlongs, bopping bishops, groping glans…you get the picture.

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I cordially invite them to die mad about it. :)

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Butt, Butt, I bet these good old RWNJ Evangelo-fascists would just be horrified if you passed laws saying that every preacher who groomed and molested children should be thrown out of 10 story windows, right?

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I like this idea, mainly because defenestrate is one of my favorite words.

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Onward to the sewers Christian ASSHOLES!

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This! There are Christ’s teachings (Love God, Love One Another, Worship Quietly, All Glory to God, Free Will, Serve Others). Then there is The Church (Fear God, Fear Others, Performance Piety, Predestination /Damnation Without Priestly Intervention) founded by Man so they could control others, enrich themselves, consolidate power, taking all glory for themselves and their favored few.

The only things Jesus got salty about were surrounding money, false prophets/idols, and people who were All Hat, No Cattle).

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We all like that we’re in until it happens that we find ourselves standing in front of a 10 story window with a couple of hands wrapped around each of our biceps.

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Good thing Dok sleeps in on Sunday mornings. I have a hunch this comment might rate a rattled newspaper, a cleared throat, and a glare over the top of his reading glasses, and then he would probably assign extra chapters in the MftF for next Friday.

ETA whoops, just looked at the time you posted it. We may have dodged that one.

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We could produce a petition or a pamphlet and send it to him saying, "Have you ever met a man called Jesus?" And quote to him all the statements of Jesus deploring judgementalism, and anti-arrogance, and anti showing off your piety. And send it in a great big special black mailer. From a mystery source. In NYC, the frightening city. Or whatever the capital of Uganda is. I realize he's well supplied with reasons why it's more important to trash gays and he's way outgrown Jesus who they never even talk about anymore. But I can't help feeling when he hears that "A Man Called Jesus" business it will remind him of something-- how can he be immune to the memory of Jesus really?

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Eh, it's one of those that while adhering to the letter of the law, it comes really close to violating the spirit, but still -- I didn't wish violence on him. So no foul.

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I agree, but there were better terms that I could have used to convey that meaning. And I am, erm, what's that word for when you're good with words...?

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