Faux will be playing Heidi on repeat for the entire week

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The grossest of universes.

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it's libtard twitter bullshit.

speaking as a twitter libtard, it's already gone away. (we are such fucking drama queens)

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No Republicans except Liz C and the cute guy will be asking the questions?? It will be an explosion of hatred, won't it? When a series of guys that hate to be asked questions and don't see why they should accumulates? Or will there be a ton of law enforcement around so the committee can do it's job? Cause maybe in this set up, only the witness Republicans will be in the room. So when Matt Gaetz is being a jerk, Jim Jordan isn't also there having just also made a huge fuss, and Lindsay Graham isn't also there exclaiming about something.

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Lots of people don't watch Fox News. Truly.

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It would be an intense embarrassment to list them all, and thankfully I forgot prolly the worst of it. We were an infamous bunch that teachers speak of - one of THOSE classes. I am very sorry.

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I have several of you in the 5th grade right now. It would be nice to think that someday they'll feel some kind of sorrow for what they've put us through this year :)

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Honestly when I found out what we had done I cried and I felt (and still feel) horrified at my behavior when I found out she had had a mental breakdown and had to move back home with her parents to recover. I really worked hard at being less of an asshole towards my teachers after that. And as Karma would have it, my 6th grade teacher was A ASSHOLE. lol!

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I'm picturing little you - big hugs. You were a child. And it's the asshole teachers who seem to make it through unscathed, but I'd rather be vulnerable and not an asshole.

One of the 5th grade teachers retired *in the middle of the year* this year (unheard of) and another one is retiring at the end of the year, prematurely.

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I can tell you are a wonderful teacher, and I think the one we chased off probably was also too. I taught 5th grade computers for two years at a small private school and I loved it. My experience was that can be a very cool age for kids seem very eager to learn and excited about life.

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Agreed! I get very passionate about Social Studies/Civics (go figure) and there are kids that really are listening. We are a village, Monkfish, and everything we do to get our kids eager and excited is time well spent.

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Cirsei versus the Sparrow.

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Let's hope the DOJ takes a peek.

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This seems a lot like Spam. I don't recognize the name or the names of any of the people that liked this comment. Going to flag. Definitely not clicking on shit.

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Tree of liberty something something body fluids of traitors.

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