This right here. I suspect that, unless they're out there doing a bang-up recruitment job we don't know about, that 80 million Ordinary Joe refers to is a high water mark.

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Wondering if there would come a time when the roles are reversed and a large crowd of people, some of whom are armed, advanced on the Capitol to protest a GOP controlled Congress that it would still seem like a justifiable, legit action to the Q-tips and fascists?

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What you get when religion infests education and government.

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I think what is more worrying from the ABC/Ipsos poll is 33% think President Biden's victory was "not legitimate". https://www.scribd.com/docu... . That's more than just half of Republicans. And it makes it look likely that Republicans will get away with vote suppression in marginal areas. Hell, it probably means Manchin would be fine with them doing it. It's more popular than some of his stances on BBB.

Oh, and here's something stupid from the CBS poll - only 20% think it might be justifiable for politicians to insult people in public, to achieve policy goals. Compared to 14% thinking calling for violence might be justifiable. Jeez, exercising free speech only just wins out over committing a crime.

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They're already volunteering.

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He wasn't doing anything anyway.

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These days it's all about the profit.

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Let's get to the guillotines.

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Honestly if you're drinking PBR you're just drinking ass.

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Radical socialist communist left wing.

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But I wanna see the scoopers come scoop them up!

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That’s like wondering if Kyle Rottenhouse had a darker skin color, would the results from that night, and subsequent court decision have been the same?

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I hear you. Me too.

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Haha, no silly, Democratic votes are illegitimate by definition (with those people). Therefore protesting against against having a Democratic "win" treated as a loss is being a traitor to the nation, because the only way it could be a win would be from cheating anyway.

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Clarification received. It can be hard to tell sometimes, because some non-commenters do seem to be referring to all Texans.

Anyway, my point was that there are a lot of people here who did appreciate what AOC did to raise money for Texans, once we got our power back and heard what she did. And who also think that Ted Cruz can go fuck himself.

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