Seems like a lot of people should be shaking in their boots at the thought of a Democratic-controlled House in '25. A lot of people.

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The odds of zombie Jared and Ivanka giving Dad a single penny in his hour need are fathomlessly low. As my ex said ..."lower than whale shit and whale shit is at the bottom of the ocean."

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May we assume that whale shit doesn't float?

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Ta, Marcie. Jared is one of the biggest fuckups ever to fuck up.

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Spoiled brat.

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Sure, a lovely high-end resort on the sunny shores of Gaza. Yeah, Jared, you're a genius to come up with that totally cool idea. Just make sure you can keep all the starving, maimed, and disabled people far away from the high rollers who will be working on their tans while sipping their mai-tais. Wouldn't want to make them uncomfortable. You know, like how your father-in-law is uncomfortable around wounded American military vets. Fuck you, Jared. Oh, and fuck your fat-ass, treasonous, soon to be destitute, by the grace of the universe, father-in-law.

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Perhaps some of the Gazan refugees can be employed as litter bearers and footstools for the residents. I'm sure they would work for table scraps.

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Good thing they didn't build Auschwitz on prime waterfront property.

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He's so sick, no wonder he hangs with the sick drifter family

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Jared has got to stop reading that book of Hitler's Speeches. It's giving him the wrong idea about a lot of stuff.

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"Kushner’s also got another bright investment idea, building luxury condos in Albania and Serbia. "

More countries for the tumbrels to roll thru.

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So, does Jared know what he's talking about? I don't know enough about Middle East history or policy under Trump to know if he's just blowing smoke. Other than the ridiculousness of evicting people from their lands; guess that's part of being a slumlord.

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He does not.

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So the old saw is true. Women end up marrying their fathers. Well Ivanka did. Kush has as much business acumen and is as self-made as Trump himself.

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Right, and is as self-aware

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JARED could use some of that SAUDI PETRO MONEY to loan to his father in law! Keeping it ALL IN THE FAMILY!

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Yeah. Why isn't he? Because he is a selfish fuck too. But in this case, I'm glad he is a selfish fuck! And I think Ivanka hates her dad too!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

If back in the day (turn of the millenium America), at the University of South Carolina department of International Studies, if I had written a paper suggesting that world peace (never mind a Nobel Peace Prize) would be achieved by the President's Son In Law building Miami Beach style Condo's in Gaza, or much less (at the time) in the recently bombed out Balkans, not only would I have gotten an F on my paper, I'd probably be asked if I really wanted to be studying in that department. But here we are in 2024, and this could really become a reality.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Wow this little shit is waaaaay over his head. The detached wishcasting about Gaza makes me sick to my stomach. What a ghoul.

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He's Bibi's godson

Given that, I don't think it's reasonable for any of us to have expected anything else

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"who was a senior White House official" = aswho'l

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“fairly meticulously” is an oxymoron. Jared is just a moron.

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True, but he's also a partial perfectionist

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And very unique

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I wanna see that "Jared gave MBS intelligence from the CIA" from an outlet besides the Daily Mail (not that I don't think it's probably true). The trump family really IS a crime family where every relationship is transactional and everything is for sale.

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Why aren't the US intelligence agencies doing something about this?

Or maybe they are, and we don't see what actions they are taking. But seriously, these Trump-family elements are harming US interests.

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We will see it when some random person in the same room as Jared dies from a misdirected poison pellet.

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They'll just move the Palestinians to the part of the Negev where Israel conducted their nuclear tests.

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Roboboy is a chip off the old block, and his wife married a man just like her own "old block."

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