" not letting himself get zim-zammed by the film-flam"

i like you, marcie jones.

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just fuck that guy already - can i say that? j and vanky can fuck off to hell already and take m "bonesaw" s with them.

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Isn't it amazing that, out of everyone in Trump's circle, Jared and Ivanka were the only ones to realize his J6 plans were fucked up, not going to work, and blow up in everyone's faces?

Jared's J6 testimony, he flat out said he was so busy processing pardon applications that he wasn't even paying attention to what the nimrods were doing.

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Hi, I am a regular bohemian rapscallion, living off the skim of a mere 2 billion dollars! A whimsical jaunt through Skid Row practically!!


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fuck that guy!

[ i'm thinking Garden Weasel . . . with obligatory rust ]

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Jared is a piece of shit. If he could, he'd endanger everything good about the entire world. There's a good reason he could never get a security clearance, till daddy in law gifted him with it, undeserved.

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> or at least it did, when Kushner invested right before war broke out.

The same sharp instincts that led him to pay close to $2B for 666 Fifth Ave. (Since re-numbered to 66*0* Fifth Ave. 🙄)... just before the start of the Great Recession.


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He also bought a newspaper in 2006 right when print media was poised to take off.

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The Observer

In the wake of 666 5th Avenue, almost nobody remembers

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Fuuuuck him. And MBOneSaw

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I feel very personally benefited by Jared's wealth. It was like I was surfing in Costa Rica with them. And the uber rich PGA become the super uber rich Saudi Arabian golfers has made me feel extra patriotic. The benefits to myself and to America seem unlimited. :(

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We're just so lucky to live in a country with such admirable, exemplary people in our Royal family, unlike the poor Brits with the Windsors, who appear to be enacting roles written by the worst hacks in the soap opera field. Let us, each and every one, strive to make our own lives as admirable as the Kushners', spreading joy wherever they go by enriching ourselves and enjoying what we can buy.

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If it were at all possible, I’d say Jared is even more of an amoral piece of shit than his father-in-law is.

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I sure hope no one is mean to Kush at a $500/entree Manhattan restaurant. This world has to remain civil, after all.

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Restaurant staff spit is like iocaine powder. He's built up an immunity to it over the years.

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Did you fellas see that tv show about him and Ivan’s, The Curse?

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LOL $24 million for land that will be under water in 10 years (or sooner!). So yeah, he brings a "different knowledge base" to the conversation, that's for sure.

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Axios Big Fucking Deal

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Are those "whiskers" on his face, just like a real boy?

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probably eyebrow pencil. Eunuchs and action figures (dolls, for those whose vocabularies have not been tainted by advertising) notoriously cannot grow beards, they can only hire them.

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Sometimes they marry them.

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"Oh, I got no strings..." #hilarious +1

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