Well, duh.

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The stupidity is breathtaking.

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"a truly idiotic tv show about the privilege of wealth"

Yes, apparently that's a whole genre. I don't know what soap has to do with it, though.

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Going on Facebook. I've heard of Google U, but now Facebook U?

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Only in America. No wonder the world laughs at us. Amateur night 24/7/365

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You have to wonder if Dr. Kloss is punking these guys and they still don’t get it.

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Oh Lort please make it 5 including the First Lady and Trumpty DUMPty.

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We can all relax ... Jared because of his "extensive research" has decided that the Coronavirus is NOT ... repeat NOT a "health reality" ... And there are way too many folks that will believe him ... SMHhttps://www.vanityfair.com/...

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#2 on that list is to suspend the act that requires emergency rooms to provide enough care to stabilize those need regardless of their ability to pay. Why is that on the list of recommendations? Let the poor die?

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This is the worst timeline.

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And it sucks

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I don't do FB.

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FYI, GG was first an idiotic series of books before being an idiotic tv series.

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My SIL is also Lyme compromised. I was going to visit them next month. Now? Not so much. :-(

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good writers borrowgreat writers steal!

I'm stealing it NOW but i'm a shit writer!

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That's all I could think of, also too... that frozen "are you fucking kidding me?" look was... really uncomfortable to see.

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