Thank you so much for explaining this to me, Wonderb! It saves me having to watch it. 😳🤮🤤

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Lori must have done this. chuckle snicker snort.If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, well....

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In the same episode, a bunch of Arizonans were "tricked" into behaving like racist assholes. As you've probably guessed, there was very little tricking involved and it's pretty much what one would expect in AZ.

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Cool! When can I become a typing ghost?

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I'm thinking they folks in Utah might opt to speak in code. Perhaps they could co-opt New Hampshire's motto but with different colored fonts -- Live Free (in white) Or Die (in any dark color).

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Or as I like to call it here in Utah: "White People can Shoot Black People for Free." Sadly, I'm not good at naming things; I need something that works on a bumper sticker.

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If all you have going for you is racial dominance you fear losing that status. That in a nutshell is the problem for many, not all, white people.

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Is it just me or are Republicans getting stupider and crazier by the day?

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Good thinking. Happily, it won't work.

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Didn't you know? Lincoln used to pull down his pants and charge backwards across Lafayette Park, to scare away the Army of Northern Virginia.

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I think you're new here? Welcome, and check in the archives for the story behind that. You'll prolly choke on your food and die again.

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Disgusted? Yes. Saddened? No, it's too hilarious!

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well duh that's my prediction for everyone and everything....you're gonna die.was that way before Trump, will be that way after....though with him probably lots more will uneccessarily die a lil earlier than planned by º¡§ª the one true god.

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Here I sat, gnawing on a delicious club sandwich, and your comment about "yodeling vegan baby buttholes" made me choke on my food and die.

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"Hold my warm beer" -- FM

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There are a brazillion studies on ocean wave electric generation, tides, too. Swear to fucking Christ if we could only harvest the power of sphincter clenching from these cracker assed crackers we could send Elon to Mars fer free.

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