I thought it was "threat of farce"...my hearing ain't too good...

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I believe the new, energized version goes by "Jeb Bitch"...

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Republican politics is like a cess pit - the really big chunks rise to the top.

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I, too, look forward eagerly and seriously to the upcoming CNN Republican Presidential Debacle...

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Then why do so many little pieces of shit always seem to get elected?

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"Hello, diary . . ."

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He tears open his three piece suit and reveals . . . another three piece suit.

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Bush men don’t do β€œhigh energy.” They do β€œyappy” or β€œpetulant” just fine, though....

He also has the family gift for sadism, viz Terry Schiavo.

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Outreach! The Republicans are courting the minority voters, so maybe Jeb should also change his first name to Susan and then add the other surnames.

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Or maybe a recipe for souffles.

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I am Jeb..., hear me snore.

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Malaise. Bring it on.

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Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.

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Jeb!!! Not comatose yet!

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Their belief is that the Trump storm will eventually blow over ...I can see it blowing long and hard.

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