I saw that and exclaimed “good god!”, and then thought “no good god had anything to do with that”.

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I actually find his sheepish explanation kind of endearing. We've all taken photos that were silly and harmless. The fact that he's a self-righteous asshole is really the only reason we even noticed it in the first place.Maybe this will teach him to not be so judgemental of others.

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Who's the fucking kissass laughing like a hyena on the other end of the line? Strong Billy Bush vibe. Gross.

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Jerry is just drunk on Jesus Juice! HIGH ON THE LAWD!! He is drunk with the Spirits of GOD HIMSAILF!!!

Oh, wait, no. My mistake.He's shitfaced the normal way.

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Worse, he called in his slurring explanation at 9am. Is he really drinking that early in the day?

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Nobody cares that you got liquored up and took a silly picture, Jerry. The problem is that you're a sanctimonious ass the rest of the time.

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And maybe aliens will teach us to play piano, like they did in Close Encounters.

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Godly man is drunken pig with bad FUPA.Film at 11.

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Hmm. I actually believe Jerry's explanation (except for the part about not drinking). However, that doesn't make his upper pubic mound any less icky.

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Don't drink black water. Grey water is bad too. Guess sanitation isn't a emphasized course at liberty u

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“Great googly-moogly” might be more apropos.

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I commend you for posting the pic even though I want to hurl when I see it..

I believe we have all just been subjected to MALE CAMEL TOE..

.Which is just another sign that your pants are too small stop trying to pour yourself into them....

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I kinda assumed that was his wife...

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And ye shall indulge in all the sins of the flesh and nary a vice be cast asunder, so long as ye be a hypocrite and sayeth with devil’s tongue that ye be a good boy, all the gold and grift shall come unto you.

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Why would you have a costume party and not drink alcohol? And then, why would you put pictures of it on Instagram, especially if you’re the president of a conservative Christian university with a strict code of conduct? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

Also, what the fuck is his wife up to that she needs a goddamn assistant? Do the students of Liberty University know that the president is paid enough money to afford not only an assistant for his wife but a goddamn yacht? Do they have a problem with that?

University executives make way too much fucking money.

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