the best C list celeb with creepy old man hairstyle they could come up with is Donald the Douche

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...geez, this rant was a long time coming. So let me get this straight; Republicans go out of their way to push the Tea-Tard agenda to the forefront, all while gerrymandering the districts that said Tea-Tards are occupying so that they could never lose a primary, even if they took a(literal) shit on the American flag while jizzing on constitution?! All that considered I am glad that I have already began drinking on this wonderful Thursday morning(I'm off)! Now we have clueless fukk-up's like Marlin Stutzman actually saying that they don't have a clue in the holiest of hells what they want in return for not nose diving the economy of the worlds most powerful nation(?) into the unregulated land of Teabagistan. The only thing that keeps me from being sad(outside of double shots of Smirnoff while looking at the wonderful scenery of Miami) is the fact that I get to watch the most corrupt, racist, sexist, fascist, and overall worthless political party pour a gallon of gasoline down its pants and then light a match to smoke cigarette!!!

Oh yeah, and I always liked "Jimmy Super Fly Snukka" better anyways!!!

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I would pay money to see Jessie put Boehner in a head lock and squeeze the orange out of him.

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They might have problem with coming off as too intellectual for the Joe the Plumber crowd.

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Did we survive? I'm pretty sure I'm missing several internal organs, my pension, and a big piece of the Constitution.

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They're sure to carry the Missouri meth head demographic.

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