"Bad" Watters.

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Many people are saying.

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Just as an incentive to keep fighting, the Spanish Inquisition's on that loop also, too.

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Wait'll he finds out what the youth minister at his church did.

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That there Jesse? He's got himself some weak fucking shade. Weak.

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The murderer was a capitalist. They recognize no borders or nationalities.

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But it's not.

That's what I (and others) keep saying.

It's totally believable, and totally plausible, and it already happened, and it keeps happening regardless of the throngs of people who prefer to pretend "that's all over now" -- and it will overwhelm our democracy if the people who are still shocked SHOCKED keep the permission structure for it open with their continued denial.

But you don't have to believe me when there's a Pulitzer winner to listen to make the same point.





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...or food, shelter, healthcare, Social Security, etc., etc.

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They don't love America, they love the Confederacy and a few chunks of the West

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Imagine a 7-11 the size of two football fields

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I didn’t hear about the boat at all. I am deeply saddened and shocked. 700 people

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Drowning for Dollars could be a Fox series.

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Your offer is acceptable, but no pizza for you

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But waaaaaaaay nicer and with rock/country stars stopping by at 3 AM!

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Carl Sandburg has entered the chat.

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Jesse is going to shit himself when he finds out only one of the people on that sub was an American.

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