I'd like to think so. The entirety of my family that immigrated here from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador work, went to school and got an education, and became a part of the fabric of this society. And by extension, nearly every single family friend and acquaintance that we have did as well.
Last night I finished reading A Fever In The Heartland by Timothy Egan about the KKK's resurgence in the 20s. It's pretty chilling. Some corrupt lying criminal bastards (in particular one DC Stephenson) got huge power in America's midwest by appealing to people's worst instincts of hate. Hate the Blacks, hate the Jews, hate the Catholics, hate hate hate hate. They built an empire, that only crashed because of the criminality of the leadership (DC Stephenson went to jail for raping and torturing a young woman who committed suicide due to his abuse).
I'm betting they didn't create the hate, but just made it socially acceptable and used the flames of it to enrich themselves.
They were just grifters, after all, with no actual beliefs. Sort of like a certain ex-president.
And over the next 100 years, this hateful slice of middle America - no, we didn't get any better. We just put that shit back under wraps until another grifter came along to make it socially acceptable again.
I'm realizing that the turning away of Jewish refugees from what was becoming a holocaust in the early thirties up through WWII was not an accident of bureaucracy or anything. Our government was in alignment with Hitler's government. "We can't kill 'em here, but we can send 'em back for Hitler to do it!" was probably said by someone some where. Possibly a president (Coolidge).
As I read about the horrors of hatred and racism that permeate our country's history I almost feel like I am surfacing from a semi-conscious state of unawareness. Almost like I am "waking up" or "becoming woke".
We suck.
And to be frank, so does everyone else. Maybe not the Irish, they never had a chance to acquire enough power to suck too badly. But everyone else, man, history is a cesspool. Humans suck.
And the result for me of this "wokeness"? I do not hate America. We're just an average shitty country with more power than most to be shitty. We have to work on doing better, getting better, BEING better. We have to work towards equity. We have to beg forgiveness.
I find it very helpful to read another history book right away on the same general topic. I recommend Notre Dame vs. The Klan (plot spoiler - The Fighting Irish won that one, too).
I went searching for that book and found https://www.amazon.com/Figh... the book of Irish Stick Fighting, and who knew there was such a thing? I mean besides, "Get stick. Hit someone."
I'd like to think so. The entirety of my family that immigrated here from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador work, went to school and got an education, and became a part of the fabric of this society. And by extension, nearly every single family friend and acquaintance that we have did as well.
Ta, Evan. Vey iz mir.
Okay, that does it for me, kids.
Hope someone starts a go fund me to pay for that dog's vet bills.
Only Watters has the similarly punchable face. It’s him. He’s ready. Put me in, Coach! I’m ready to hate!
Last night I finished reading A Fever In The Heartland by Timothy Egan about the KKK's resurgence in the 20s. It's pretty chilling. Some corrupt lying criminal bastards (in particular one DC Stephenson) got huge power in America's midwest by appealing to people's worst instincts of hate. Hate the Blacks, hate the Jews, hate the Catholics, hate hate hate hate. They built an empire, that only crashed because of the criminality of the leadership (DC Stephenson went to jail for raping and torturing a young woman who committed suicide due to his abuse).
I'm betting they didn't create the hate, but just made it socially acceptable and used the flames of it to enrich themselves.
They were just grifters, after all, with no actual beliefs. Sort of like a certain ex-president.
And over the next 100 years, this hateful slice of middle America - no, we didn't get any better. We just put that shit back under wraps until another grifter came along to make it socially acceptable again.
I'm realizing that the turning away of Jewish refugees from what was becoming a holocaust in the early thirties up through WWII was not an accident of bureaucracy or anything. Our government was in alignment with Hitler's government. "We can't kill 'em here, but we can send 'em back for Hitler to do it!" was probably said by someone some where. Possibly a president (Coolidge).
As I read about the horrors of hatred and racism that permeate our country's history I almost feel like I am surfacing from a semi-conscious state of unawareness. Almost like I am "waking up" or "becoming woke".
We suck.
And to be frank, so does everyone else. Maybe not the Irish, they never had a chance to acquire enough power to suck too badly. But everyone else, man, history is a cesspool. Humans suck.
And the result for me of this "wokeness"? I do not hate America. We're just an average shitty country with more power than most to be shitty. We have to work on doing better, getting better, BEING better. We have to work towards equity. We have to beg forgiveness.
We need some sort of awakening.
It’s like gaydar, but for stupid people!
I find it very helpful to read another history book right away on the same general topic. I recommend Notre Dame vs. The Klan (plot spoiler - The Fighting Irish won that one, too).
Newsmax was running a poll this morning: Do you want Carlson on Newsmax? Didn't stay to find out the result.
From a once undocumented immigrant to a now US citizen: Fuck you. And secondly, fuck you. And thirdly, fuck you.
My sincere congratulations to you!
Drain the Bad Watters!
Oh yeah he is definitely shitty enough to take Tucker's slot. No question.
Troubled Watters.
Thanks, I'll look that up. The Egan book talks a little about that particular battle, I'd love to dig deeper into it.
I went searching for that book and found https://www.amazon.com/Figh... the book of Irish Stick Fighting, and who knew there was such a thing? I mean besides, "Get stick. Hit someone."
If you are a woman, Ireland sucks