Just remember........its ALWAYS projection with these asshats.......ALWAYS.

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people should probably keep him away from their 10 year old daughters. conservatives are all projection so you just know he'd be alllllll about grooming them starting now. probably already has been.

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Maybe some men think they want to be with very young girls, but I have been teaching high school for nearly 25 years, and I can tell you, YOU DO NOT WANT THAT.

The young women I teach are wonderful human beings for their age, but as a man of 61, anyone under 50 I would consider off-limits just for general cultural/generational reasons. I was with a 33-y.o. when I was 45, and that was too much of an age difference. I do not mind being old, but I am not crazy about feeling old.

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I never realized before now just how young Fuentes is. I can only guess he was one of those teen Gamergaters who got radicalized when Trump entered the race, and now he's one of the more notable internet Nazis.

What a world...

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"I want a 16-year-old that's untouched, untouched, pristine, untouched, uncorrupted, innocent, that's what we all want."

All his electronic devices need to be confiscated and examined.

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Fuentes did say that he thought having sex with women was gay. Which somehow made sense in his brain.

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Good question. Hey folks, if you are listening to a 24 year old tell you how life should be lived and you yourself are over 30, your an idiot.

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I haven't seen Watters eat a booger live on camera.

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That would be cannibalism.

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The good news is that Fuentes will never become a senator from Alabama.

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Fuentes has. makes him a cannibal then. is that a bonus? wingnuts are weird.

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“Capable and strong” are two of the things Nick Fuentes will never be.

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Hahaaaa. I’m like Magneto. I just hate humanity *echoing laughter*

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No disrespect to Rebecca and the fine team of writers at Wonkette, but I don't think they (and by extension we) have the level of influence to make Fox News or Nick Fuentes not a thing. They're a thing because the legacy media (looking at you, NYT) continues to treat Fox News like a legit news outlet instead of a propaganda arm, and downplays the extremism of white nationalists like Fuentes because they are now a part of the Republican party and it is apparently bad manners to point out when a political party is turning straight fascist.

Also, people can still take action whether they are reading this type of post or not. In my home country, our national broadscast regulator is holding hearings on whether Fox should be banned from Canadian cable channels. I am going to make a submission in favour of banning Fox and thanks to the Wonkette coverage of Fox's recent shenanigans, I will be able to make the argument that a "news" channel that knowingly lies to its viewers about something as important as election results should not be getting money and exposure from our telcoms.

I'm not kidding myself that it will kill Fox dead forever, but a decision to ban it here would cut into their revenue stream and reduce its influence on our wingnut community, so I think it's worth the effort.

I understand the frustration, but you're aiming at the wrong target.

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Finally, a place to use this!https://uploads.disquscdn.c...Okay, so I know it's not entirely apropos, but it's still funny

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