Joe Biden Talks Midterms, Will Not Have To Say He Took Any Thumpin'
Thumpings were delivered, but not so much to Dems.
Hey, Old Handsome President Joe Biden is scheduled to deliver remarks and take questions on the Midterms so here he is on Yr WonkTV.
Don't know when he's actually going to speak; he might be making a couple last phone calls to winning Democrats, there were so many.
And yes, this is also your Open Thread! Celebrate good times, come on, doo doo doo doot doot do-do-doo WHOO HOO!
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The "It's not slavery if they did a crime!" crowd weighed in heavily.
Sounds like the "flying squirrel look". You could become a trend setter... if you can endure the humiliation of having kids laugh and point at you.