Ta, Stephen. I do love the Bidens. Welcome back; I hope you enjoyed the time off. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.

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I don't know about anyone else but I want to see a full view of Jill's dress, and a close up to check

out all the fancy beadwork.

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Despite how demented he is, Trump will never be Reagan 2.0.

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“You can’t buy a house if you’re a millennial because you’re, you just don’t have the funds to do it because inflation has wiped out your savings,” she went on, “your ability to purchase everyday goods and services. If you’re on a fixed income, you have it even tougher. Not to mention the fact that we have an opioid crisis that is killing over 100,000 people every single year, a crime wave that has gripped the country.”

And PAB is going to fix these how, exactly? STOP WHINING AND TELL US A FUCKING PLAN

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It's the same plan they always use: fearmongering, scapegoating, and blaming the Democrats. If you can't see how this will solve all the economic woes of the nation, you're just not cut out to be a Republican voter!

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there is no fucking plan

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That is a good argument for student loan forgiveness

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easy. give fat cats another tax break, so they and their hedge funds can go out and buy up all the reasonably-priced housing stock. voila!

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Time for my annual question that seemingly has no good answer--Why is Andy Cohen?

If millennials are unable to buy houses then who TF is buying the acre upon acre of new development sprawling out across metro areas everywhere?

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I think it means a significant majority of millennials can't. And there's a heck-ton of absentee landlords, even in podunk towns like where my bff lives. Her new landlord's in freaking CA; she's in CT

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“Nothing is better in Biden’s America.”

Trump left office with a job market in free fall, death tolls rising, shortages on shelves, and a public largely afraid to go outside without wearing a mask. Everything is better under Biden.

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Can you imagine how Trump would have fucked up the vaccine rollout if he'd won reelection?

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You can't buy a house if you are a millennial because of the crappy economic policies that the Republicans have been pushing since before you were born.

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If I had it to do over I might not buy a house anyway. They have a habit of needing costly repairs and maintenance.

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Everything is horrible. Yet if repubs win (God forbid), magically all things will be wonderful. These people have zero integrity and it is so obvious.

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that message works, though. It worked in 2016. So many people still see the economy as "struggling" and "failing" even though it's not. And "crime" is not rampant, it's actually down significantly.

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They are a beautiful couple. I wish I could be at least half that beautiful when I'm their age. Honestly, I love that dress!

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The most galling aspect of her whinge is that the GOP's only plans for the "crisis" she tics off; affordable housing, inflation, buying power of fixed income Americans, and the opioid crisis is to cut taxes on the wealthy, drill baby drill, privatize the social safety net, and more reach arounds for Big Pharma. But do go on . . .

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I do have to say that dress isn't doing the First Lady any favors, at least in those shots. Also my first thought on seeing it was, she's got sleeve tattoos - ?!?

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she's such a doll but i do not love her fashion sense. she's so very pretty but seems to prefer goofy, girly. i think she's fabulous in sleek.

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Wasn't she an elementary school teacher before she was a prof? That'll do it sometimes

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Well, if the ratings were better, even the PAB would notice and mention it. Oh, wait, he lies about them, too.

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Biden didn’t even mention the latest Siena poll!!

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Americans have credit card debt!! This never happened before Joe Biden was president!

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Didn’t realize we were all in the “grip of a crime wave”. I never get to participate in anything!

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In a twist on "if you don't know who the mark is, you're the (unwitting) mark", I offer: "if you don't see the crime wave, you're the (unwitting) criminal".

(could use some work)

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So build more houses. Market's not doing it? Then state and local govt. should build 'em.

Oh, hate that solution? Yours is "Put homeless people in concentration camps?" Fuck off then.

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